The Investor Mindset - Name Your Number Show [$]

E147: Lens of Fear or Lens of Opportunity - Steven Pesavento

Episode Summary

Aloha from Hawaii! This week we look at how we can turn all the world’s craziness and uncertainty into positivity and opportunity. If you can change over the “lens” in which you see the world… you have the chance to achieve your goals and move forward instead of backwards or hitting a plateau. So join me this week as I go through my own personal journey that allowed me to turn doubt into positivity and uncertainty into opportunity.

Episode Notes

Aloha from Hawaii! This week we look at how we can turn all the world’s craziness and uncertainty into positivity and opportunity. If you can change over the “lens” in which you see the world… you have the chance to achieve your goals and move forward instead of backwards or hitting a plateau.  

So join me this week as I go through my own personal journey that allowed me to turn doubt into positivity and uncertainty into opportunity.



1. If you can change the lens in which you see the world through, you'll see that we're actually living in a time of great opportunity right now. Regardless of the crazy things going on in the world, we can still be successful and move forward with our goals.

2. What is the potential reason that others aren't doing things... so that you can action on them instead?

3. What is the lens that you can flip over to see opportunity instead of limiting beliefs?

4. Take action: flip your lens of fear into a lens of opportunity and make that change even if it means doing something small within your community.  



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Episode Transcription

Steven Pesavento: [00:00:00] Welcome back to another Mindset Minutes episode on the Investor Mindset. I'm your host, Steven Pesavento. Each week we share mindset tips and investing strategies that help you take your business and real estate investing career to the next level. Today I'm super grateful to be able to share this phenomenal discussion about changing the lens from a lens of fear, to a lens of opportunity and how that has dramatically changed my life and is why I'm here in this location right now. So listen up and you're going to hear more about that in just a second. So let's get right into it.

INTRO: This is the Investor Mindset podcast and I'm Steven Pesavento. For as long as I can remember, I've been obsessed with understanding how we can think better, how we can be better and how we can do better. In each episode, we explore lessons on motivation and mindset for the most successful real estate investors and entrepreneurs in the nation.

Steven Pesavento: [00:01:01] I want to talk a little bit about something that I think is so important. It's just a shift of the way that we're looking at things today, right now, with so much craziness in the world, with so much change that has been happening, so much uncertainty that's being felt, it's just an increased level of uncertainty that's been compressed into a really short time. We've got obviously, Coronavirus and all the scares and uncertainty that's gone along with that. We've got the stock market who tanked and then shot right back up into new highs. We've got an election year that's full of all kinds of fears and debate and lots and lots of emotions. And we've got the media, that's covering all of it and bringing all of those emotions to the surface and injecting even more emotion than would even be there just based on the facts alone.

We're in a time in a period where this uncertainty could either lead us to looking at things is the biggest opportunity and the greatest thing that could ever happen to us, or it could be something that's going to hold us back. It's going to be an anchor, that's going to prevent us from being able to move forward.

For those of you guys who have been following me for a while, you know about this idea of an anchor versus a propeller or as an anchor versus rocket fuel. And I really believe that if we can start to change the lens that we're looking at the world through, we can start to really see that we're living in a time of opportunity. That doesn't mean we're going to be taking advantage of people who are not in a good place, but really that we're going to be taking advantage of that wind change happens. It's our opportunity to go with the change. Instead of fighting it, to flow with it.

And so share a little bit of a story as an example of why I think it's so critical right now to start putting on that lens of appreciation, putting on that lens of gratitude and putting on that lens of acceptance and flow for us to be able to move forward through these uncertain times into some of the best times of prosperity for us, our family and everyone who's going to share that same belief with us.

I happen to be recording this on the road. I'm absolutely internally grateful that I'm here. I'm on the big Island of Hawaii. I've got a 10 acre of a state, five bedroom house, saltwater pool, hot tub, tennis court, and fruit trees, so many of them that we can't even pick all the fruit that's here. It was actually built by and for the beach boys. And it's just an incredible space and place to be able to spend some time and really refresh. The concept here was that I came here with the intent of working really, really hard from a beautiful place and with some other fellow investors and entrepreneurs who wanted to kind of have that same lens that I was carrying. And here's the deal.

So many people right now are in that state of fear, and then in the state of I got to stay put, I'm not going to do anything. But by me putting on that lens and I hope that you can maybe put on that lens as well. I was able to look at this as actually an opportunity. When I started telling you some of the details here, Hawaii is on a 14 day quarantine period, which means for 14 days, you're not allowed to leave the premise of where you're staying at. You're not allowed to go and enjoy the beautiful beaches or enjoy the nature, any of that kind of stuff. However, that limitation is actually led to my biggest opportunity of being able to be here. Because with that limitation means there's not a lot of people traveling, not a lot of folks are willing to look at that 14 day quarantine period as the greatest opportunity to be focused, to be in one place, to be enjoying some solitude and some connection with some other great people. But we did.

We looked at it as, Hey, we could go anywhere in the country right now and we looked at a lot different places, but when we decided to look at Hawaii we were thinking to ourselves, Oh, that 14 day quarantine period, I don't know. What are we going to be able to do? What is that going to mean for us? And what we decided was, okay, well, if we're going to be somewhere for 14 days, let's make sure it's an amazing, magical place and as a result, we were able to find this incredible place that one fourth or more of the cost of being able to stay here normally. Having that dream vacation, that dream living experience around the world in a foreign place, foreign to me, Hawaii, I've never been here in my life, talked about it, wanting to do it and thought about it, but never took that jump. But when we started looking into things, realize that the biggest limitation, the reason no one else was coming was exactly the reason why we needed to come.

And as a result able to be here 14 days, today is day 14 of being on the big Island, and tomorrow we get to go out and explore and enjoy, and for those 14 days we've been working extremely hard, working towards all the things that are important to me, building relationships, connecting with investors, building out programs and ways that I can assist and help and grow people. I've been able to do it from a place that's absolutely incredible.

So I have to ask you, what is the potential reason that other people aren't doing things that could be the reason for you to take action and to them? What is that piece of polarity? What is that lens that you can flip over and look through it the other way and start to think to yourself, that limitation is now my biggest opportunity, that limitation that was once an anchor is now the fuel that's going to send me into outer space, into doing and enjoying and creating amazing things with friends and family and others?

So I encourage you to go take some action and do something like that. Whether that's something as small in your own neighborhood, whether that ends up leading to you and your family going to some far off place, or whether it leads to you deciding to invest or take some action, join a course, get a coach, figure out how you can accelerate yourself to a whole another level. Because at the end of the day, I wouldn't be here in this position to talk to you if I hadn't taken that lens of fear and flipped it over into a lens of opportunity. So I really, I strongly encourage you guys take some action on this, go live a life with inspiring others and do so today by flipping that lens of fear into opportunity and going out and being that beacon of light to somebody else for someone else to go and do the same thing.

Thank you guys so much for interacting and for being listeners here. As always, shoot me a message. or hit me up on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and let me know, what'd you think about this episode? What's that lens that you were looking through before and what is the new lens that you're going to look through moving forward that lens of opportunity, that's going to drive me where you want to be.

With gratitude, I thank you guys and I'll see you next time.

OUTRO: If you're an accredited investor and you're interested in learning more about our investment opportunities, the exact types of investments that I personally invest in, then head over the invest, or send me an email at Thanks so much.

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