The Investor Mindset - Name Your Number Show [$]

E17: It's About the Journey, not the Success - Evan Holladay

Episode Summary

Sometimes striving for success leads us down a road of “defeat”, or “failure”, but all too often these challenges are exactly the lessons we need to be successful in our true endeavors! Join us as Evan Holladay shares how he keeps a positive mindset in the midst of struggle - and also how he uses his mother’s example and legacy as his drive to push forward and be the best of the best!

Episode Notes

Evan Holladay is a real estate developer and investor with who has developed over 1000 units of multifamily real estate. At LDG Development, Evan and his team specialize in creating workforce affordable and mixed-income communities and revitalizing parts of town - and they utilize tax credits to make it possible.
Evan is also the host of the top-rated business and real estate podcast, “Monumental”. His mission is to become a catalyst in the lives of others, helping them set and reach monumental goals, and he is driven to leave the world a better place. He is always striving to provide the best life possible for his family, and remembers his mother by working hard to make her proud.


  1. Surround yourself with positivity to keep your mind in the right place
  2. Sometimes it’s all about finding the right partner
  3. Don’t give up - but also know when it’s time to stop
  4. Plant the right seeds and then be patient!
  5. The best deals aren’t always the ones we get! Sometimes the best thing that could happen is missing the deal

Instagram: @evanholladay
Facebook: Evan Holladay
Twitter: @evanholladay
Monumental Podcast

Principles, Ray Dalio
Skyscraper Dreams, Tom Schachtman