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E227: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Coaching Part 3 – Trevor McGregor

Episode Summary

We’re on the last leg of our three-part series with the one and only Trevor McGregor. Listen as we debunk the common misconceptions about coaching, and why you definitely NEED a coach in your life. Find out more about our investing opportunities here 👉 👈 When it comes to coaching, most investors usually fall into two groups: the ones that fully believe in the value of coaching, and the ones that think it’s a scam. If you belong to the latter, Trevor is here to shed light on why coaching is so important and why you’re actually missing out by not leveraging it. Trevor McGregor is a business coach and mentor himself, but he has other people to coach him as well. The world is changing too rapidly for us to keep up on our own. This is where the value of coaching comes in. In this episode, we talk about the importance of having a coach, a mentor, or a teacher—and how it can help you as a lifelong learner. However, not all coaches are made equal, which is why Trevor also teaches us how we can find the right coaches and mentors who have our best interests at heart. If you don’t have someone helping you navigate your way through this rapidly changing world, there is no better time to start than now.

Episode Notes

We’re on the last leg of our three-part series with the one and only Trevor McGregor. Listen as we debunk the common misconceptions about coaching, and why you definitely NEED a coach in your life. Find out more about our investing opportunities here 👉 👈

When it comes to coaching, most investors usually fall into two groups: the ones that fully believe in the value of coaching, and the ones that think it’s a scam. If you belong to the latter, Trevor is here to shed light on why coaching is so important and why you’re actually missing out by not leveraging it.

Trevor McGregor is a business coach and mentor himself, but he has other people to coach him as well. The world is changing too rapidly for us to keep up on our own. This is where the value of coaching comes in. In this episode, we talk about the importance of having a coach, a mentor, or a teacher—and how it can help you as a lifelong learner.

However, not all coaches are made equal, which is why Trevor also teaches us how we can find the right coaches and mentors who have our best interests at heart. If you don’t have someone helping you navigate your way through this rapidly changing world, there is no better time to start than now.



1. A coach is not there to tell you what to do; they are there to help you find the right thing to do.

2. You may be missing out by not having a mentor, a teacher, a coach, etc.

3. When finding a coach, find someone that is perfectly capable of doing what you want to do yourself.


Trevor McGregor Official Website:

Trevor McGregor on LinkedIn: