The Investor Mindset - Name Your Number Show [$]

E36 - Mindset Shift: Live Grateful. Be A Leader - Cory Boatright

Episode Summary

Have you ever had a moment that stopped you in your tracks? A challenge that threw you off completely, or a realization that maybe you’ve been focusing on the wrong things? In today’s episode Cory Boatright shares his own story of finding his way, navigating challenges of all shapes and sizes, and his strategies for success.

Episode Notes

Cory Boatright is a Real Estate investor who has completed over 1000 transactions, and owns more than 430 apartment units. He’s a social connector who has run several multi-million dollar companies in industries including: Real estate investing, business consulting, internet marketing, and more. He now coaches and partners with high-level entrepreneurs to help them achieve their enormous goals.
Cory’s purpose is to life with gratitude and impact - he wants to know that at the end of the day he has influenced the lives that he touches in a great way. He speaks around the country, and hosts the podcast: Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series.


  1. The mindset shift from a follower to a leader is essential
  2. When you’re feeling lost, go look for a mentor who can give you some direction
  3. If you’re stepping into a partnership: #1 plan ahead, #2 be a leader
  4. Focus on gratitude

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki (
As a Man Thinketh - James Allen (

Twitter: @coryboatright
Instagram: @realestateinvestingprofits