The Investor Mindset - Name Your Number Show [$]

E75: Fulfillment Through Financial Freedom - Michael Blank

Episode Summary

Want to know one of the most powerful things successful people are all good at? (Since you’re an Investor Mindset listener I’m guessing your answer was an immediate “YES!”) I’ll give a quick spoiler to today’s episode, it’s clarity! Want to know more? Join us today as Michael Blank walks through his journey to success, and shares some huge tips for finding clarity for your own success journey.

Episode Notes

Michael Blank is an entrepreneur who’s passionate about helping people become financially free through real estate investing. He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing”, and he’s also host of the popular Apartment Buildings Investing Podcast.

Michael has helped investors to purchase 5,000 multifamily units valued at $215M through his content and training programs, and he himself controls over $43M million in performing multifamily assets all over the United States, and has raised over $12M in capital.

Michael’s purpose is to help as many people become financially free as possible, and he’s currently driven to do so in the biggest way possible. His current goal is to help over 1000 people quit their jobs, so they can have financial freedom and the opportunity for impact and fulfillment in their lives.


  1. You can’t control your circumstances, but you can control how you react TO the circumstances
  2. Working on your character (who you need to BE) often precedes the results we want
  3. Get REALLY clear on what you want and why, and evaluate your strategy to get there


  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki (
  2. The Miracle Equation - Hal Elrod (
  3. Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod (
  4. The One Thing - Gary Keller & Jay Papasan (
  5. Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing - Michael Blank (

Keystone Habits:

  1. The Miracle Morning
  2. Regular “check-in” retreats with himself on goals
