The Investor Mindset - Name Your Number Show [$]

NYN E10: Achieving Financial Freedom with Joe Camberato

Episode Summary

In this episode, host Steven Pesavento talks with Joe Camberato, CEO and founder of National Business Capital, who shares his journey to financial freedom and the tools and strategies he used to get there. Joe grew up in a challenging financial situation, with his parents divorcing when he was in second grade and his single mother struggling to make ends meet. But he was never afraid of hard work and started his first business in first grade. Steven and Joe discuss how his childhood shaped him and the importance of working smart, not just hard.

Episode Notes

Key Takeaways

Naming your number, the amount you want to earn passively every month, is crucial to achieving financial freedom

Working smart is just as important as working hard

Childhood experiences can shape one's attitude towards money and financial independence

Starting a business at a young age can set the foundation for a successful career

Financial freedom is achievable with the right tools and strategies



Resources Mentioned

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About our Guest:

Joseph Camberato is a seasoned entrepreneur and the co-founder of National Business Capital, a leading provider of financing solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. With over 15 years of experience in the finance industry, Joseph has helped thousands of business owners access the funding they need to grow and succeed.





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Episode Transcription

Steven Pesavento  0:00  



I'm Steven Pesavento, and welcome to the name your number podcast presented by the investor mindset. As someone who comes from a challenging childhood, I've spent my life seeking financial security, personal growth, and ultimately freedom, the freedom to not wake up worried about the next paycheck, but rather with the confidence of knowing that my passive income pays my bills without the need to think about it. When you name your number that you'll learn passively, that creates your ultimate quality of life that I believe you've achieved real freedom. Welcome to my show, it's time to name your number.


Even a big example for people are sitting on a couple $100,000. If you took $200,000, and you invested it into a project or real estate project, or some type of investment, that's going to give you a great return like private equity does. If it doubles every five years, from year one to year five, that 200 turns into four. And then the next five is four turns into eight and in 15 years that 200,000 is 1.6 million.


Welcome to the name your numbers show presented by the investor mindset, we're on a mission to create financial freedom for over a million investors. And when you name your number, the number that you want to earn passively every month that creates your ultimate quality of life, then I believe you've achieved real freedom. And if you're ready to name your number, and create your passive investment plan that you'll follow step by step to get there, then head over to investor To download your free guide to get started. And for those of you who are ready to build this plan together with me, and a community of other investors just like you, then you'll be invited to schedule a call with one of my top advisors. Now let's get to the show. Today, I'm excited to have Joe camber auto in the studio today. How you doing today, Joe? doing awesome, Steve, it's good to see you how you doing? I'm doing amazing, man, I'm living a great life. And I'm excited to talk with you. And for those of you who don't know, Joe, he is the CEO and founder of national business capital, who helps get funding for businesses across the country. And you've been doing some really cool things, you've scaled that business tremendously. And from what I understand, you've been able to reach financial freedom. So I'm excited to get into all that how you got there, and some of the tools and strategies that worked well for you. But before we get into the goods, I'd love to start off on a personal note, by looking back at earlier in your life. What events or influences from your childhood shaped you who you are today. And how did that play a role in your money and investing journey? Wow. Yeah, well, Craig question. First of all, thanks for having me on the show, Stephen. Appreciate everything that you're doing. And you know, love your show and love. You just talking real stuff with real people that are making it happen. Always appreciate that.


Joe Camberato  2:56  

You know, I


you know, grew up, my parents got divorced when I was in second grade, you know, loved them, both great people, but, you know, live, you know, single mom, and then you know, move back on my dad later on life and later in high school. And, you know, just, it was just a struggle, you know, growing up,


Mom worked hard, but just, you know, just, you know, sometimes, you know, it's not only about working hard, it's about working smart. And, you know, money was just always a challenge. And, you know, I just said that, you know, you know, when I grow up that, you know, I, you know, I just, I'm not gonna let you know, finances, you know, hold me back from living a good life. And I was never afraid of hard work. And from a young age, you know, it's hustle. And even even, like, when my parents were married, and things were good. I think I did my first like, tag sale. And in first grade, I took all the toys that we weren't using the house, you know, you know, painted up a sign put it on the front lawn in the street. And, and, and I was in business, you know, selling you know, he man and GI Joes and stuff. And this is a true story. I don't, we talked about this a long time or share it, but I had this bag of like action figures, the big bag and some woman walking their dog was like, you know how much for this bag of action figures. And I was like, you know, I don't know, you know, $5 was like a lot of money when you're in first grade. And this is probably like 1988 or 89 or something. And, you know, I was like $5 and she pulled the $10 bill out of a person I said Damn, I should have asked for more.


Steven Pesavento  4:48  

But it's really awesome. It's funny because, you know, I grew up you know, very similar upbringing. oldest of four kids single mom moved in with my dad in high school, eventually moved out on my own at 17. But what do you think that led to? How do you think that led to some of the decisions that you made both from a business standpoint financially? Well, how did that play a role?


Joe Camberato  5:16  

Yeah, I just think, you know, both of my parents, they were hard workers, they worked really hard. You know, my mom and retail, my dad in the car business. And I watched him work every Saturday, Sunday holiday, yeah, actually made made, you know, some decent money and actually did really well, and worked his ass off, like, I have a lot of respect for him. And a lot of that, you know, is in my blood, which I appreciate, but, you know, it couldn't enjoy, like, you know, weekend's holidays, you know, stuff like that. So, it really just made me think about, you know, and, you know, just, you know, you know, working hard, being able to make good money, but also being able to have the time to enjoy it. So, I always from a young age was interested in investing, whether it was stock market real estate, if I was working side hustles, you know, doing anything, I could, you know, that was legal, you know, to, to make some extra, you know, make some extra money, and then just thinking about like, long term. I mean, I think I bought, like some of the first like stocks, I think I bought, I was probably I think I was eight years old, a senior in high school, and was like trading stocks on like, I think it was like the first sidekick. Remember, that was like the first type of smartphone,


Steven Pesavento  6:32  

they were one of the cool kids, you had one of those sidekicks.


Joe Camberato  6:35  

Yeah, I was, I was I thought I was and, and, you know, just trying to, you know, hustle, and, you know, make another 100 bucks a day doing some trades, but then realizing, like, hey, you know, you know, thinking about how do I invest and buy things for the future. And there are some cool, older folks that did well, in certain type of investments. And I saw how, by staying that course, you know, later on in life, they're able to live a really cool, you know, life and not have to worry about money and enjoy and travel and do some cool stuff. And we said, hey, I wanna I want to be, I want to be that guy.


Steven Pesavento  7:12  

Yeah, it's incredible how having a mentor like that, even though you know, at the time, you never consider them a mentor, you never use that word, but somebody that you look up to make such a big impact. I know, for me, growing up in that type of environment, it's like very blue collar mom worked in hospitality, dad worked in blue collar sales, and, you know, seeing that hard work, but also seeing that it never really paid off. I mean, we had the best life, we could, given the circumstances, but it was so tough. But when you see somebody else who's living a good life, that, you know, seeing some of that success, and give you that inspiration to then step into that, which I think you're a great example of just from a business owner perspective, because you've built a great business, you've got a big team, you've made a lot of money, but you've also been able to reach some of that financial success and have some of that security that I know a lot of people who are listening are looking for. So tell me, have you reached financial independence? Have you reached that point where the cash that you have, and the investments that you have are paying for the life that you want to live?


Joe Camberato  8:18  

So I think I'm in you know, I think I'm in a really great place, and I'm in a very diverse place, which makes me feel good and, and confident, especially in the wild times that we're in. I think, you know, I still got some more work to do. You know, I've done done really well. I, you know, I don't worry about money. But you know, I think to live the lifestyle that I want to live, there's still some some additional things, you know, that I want to do, you know, and some goals and numbers, you know, that I want to hit. But I think what's, you know, really what's helped me. And I've had to learn this is, I think, when it comes to like investing, and you really got to think long term. I think a lot of people don't think long term enough, especially today. And for me being in a number of different things, I think is really, it gives me a lot of confidence.


Steven Pesavento  9:09  

That's such an important point that you make, because a lot of times when people are in survival mode, it's hard to think long term, you're trying to figure out, hey, how do I get to that next step? But you're only thinking about that end destination instead of what are those steps that you can make along the way. And as a business owner, I imagine you're making a lot of money, you're earning a lot of active income, which is phenomenal, but tell me how have you gone about thinking about making those kinds of investments, deciding between putting that money back into growing your business which growing your business is always going to lead to the highest ROI but then you're heavily focused in one area and a lot of that income is not going to be passive. So how have you gone about thinking about the difference between making investments in the business versus making investments that might be purely passive and you know, for your portfolio?


Joe Camberato  9:59  

It's Great question. It's funny, I've been talking about this a lot late lately with other, you know, owners, entrepreneurs at all different levels, and some just more that have been asking me this question and others that have done really well in a number of areas. And, you know, I think I look at I think, what's interesting to me, I talk a lot of businesses, most business owners have it all wrapped up in their business. And even though it's like my company's not publicly traded, it's a private company. But it's a stock, right? Like, and would you like, put all of your money into one stock? So I think as an owner, even if you're crushing your business and making money, like, get some things change quick, right. So I think, you know, for me, it's been really important to do well, to reinvest and grow the business. And you know, and I put the business first and, you know, you know, when things change or time change, like, it's all about the business and keeping that going, I've got a big team, and people and I have a lot of respect for them. And, you know, I want to see them, you know, do well and continue to create an environment that they can grow. And so growing the business is extremely important to me, and I think it's important for people watching this to understand that. But, you know, I think it's really important. As you know, as I've said, In the beginning, you're doing everything you can, you don't have the luxury to do all this stuff, right? If you're just getting started, you gotta hustle and grow the business got to make money. But, you know, in, even like, even when I was getting rocking, like putting a little money in safe money in retirement, whether it's 401k, we're diversified stock portfolio, whether it's, you know, saving some money outside the business to, you know, buy a piece of real estate, or invest in a real estate deal. I'm big fans of doing real estate deals with trusted folks, just because I don't have the time to manage real estate, right?


Steven Pesavento  11:54  

I mean, at what's the point that you make that decision that, okay, my business is a certain point where I should actually start harvesting some of those profits, and I should put them on the side and start investing into other strategies like real estate, private equity, stocks, 401k, all that stuff. At what point should you start pulling money out of the business versus rolling everything back in? Because I know you work with a lot of business owners you fund? Yeah, a lot of capital for them. So how should they think about that?


Joe Camberato  12:21  

I think, you know, it's as if your business is in this extreme situation. And you're just, it's just taken extreme loss. And it's just impossible that that's an extreme situation. But I think you just need to start this No, is early as you can, like, there's one cool thing that my dad did, and this is what got me onto the path of this. So I guess in a way I was shown this, but actually even been pushed this for more and more like a plan and structure. But when I dropped out of high school, to college, and my dad sleeping in a live home, you got to give me 750 bucks a month, they took that money from me, and it bothered me because I was only like, you know, 1920 years old or whatever. You got to work you got to pay to be here. It actually pushed me to move I moved out when I was 23. I bought a house worked hard, but it's got 750 bucks, you know, he took from me, he put into a mutual fund. And then when I moved that up, he said, Hey, that money to give me it's all right here. You know, and, and I was like, wow, I only put an X but I saw how it grew to x. That was kind of like that first. So, you know. And then, you know, I actually wound up using that part of that money to start, you know, my business along with some other money, and credit cards and everything else. But But my point is, is I, you know, to answer your question is I think that you need to just start that as early as possible, even just to be in the habit of it to automate it. So let's just say it's 100 bucks a month, it's a small number. Don't go to Starbucks, like put that into just the s&p 500 Index Fund, right? Like pick one, take 100 bucks a month, put it into a savings account. And that does that grow your real estate fund or, you know, you can get into some of these private equity deals today with not a lot of money on but you got to be putting on your saving money and like pretending like it's not there. But my point is, I wish that I would have continued because I started this but then got kind of focused in other areas. And I wish I would have just continued that automation. I did pick that back up when I got into my 30s and and have done well because of it. But I think it's just like automating it having a plan around it and just just doing it because a lot of people like you know I'm gonna invest when I make a bunch of money and then like that never really comes and I mean God if you would have you know, been buying Apple stock 15 years ago, you know, 20 years ago, even if it was only like 1000 bucks that you Year, you'd be in a great place today.


Steven Pesavento  15:03  

It's funny because we want to wait until we feel like we've made it before we start investing. But actually investing is part of how we make it. Because of your, your, what I found in my life. And it sounds like you've experienced the same as that your lifestyle begins to expand to match the amount of money that you have. And that you automatically go into a little bit of austerity when you don't have money available to go and do those things. So you can live a phenomenal life. But if you can take 20 or 30, or 40, or even 50% of your income, and you can put that into savings, or a wealth account that's going to grow and you're then going to make investments from that, it can really start to look like a totally different picture. I mean, even a big example for people are sitting on a couple $100,000, if you took $200,000, and you invested it into a project, a real estate project or some type of investment, that's going to give you a great return like private equity does. If it doubles every five years, from year one to year five, that 200 turns into four, and then the next five is four turns into eight and 15 years that 200,000 is 1.6 million. So it really begins to start paying off. And it seems like such a small amount of money at the beginning. And for some of the people listening 200,000 is a ton of money. For some, that's you know what they make in a month or a quarter, or half a year. But the point is it that same principle applies regardless of the size. And so if you're running your business, like you're saying, you want to be able to pull that money out and on top of it, you're in the lending business, right, you're working with people helping them get private capital, and lenders want to see that you have a balance sheet, and one of the best ways to build that balance sheet is through, you know, making those investments and setting cash aside so that you can be, you know, ready for whatever happens.


Joe Camberato  16:59  

100% I think there's, you know, so two things I want to hit on. Because one, you know, one is it's you know, discipline, right? It mean all great things in your life. If you think about your wife, Steven, or anyone watching this, think about anything that you've done really great. And it's because you were disciplined in order to get there. Like when you ever you like when you were growing up, and you're in the best shape, it's because you're disciplining one thing, the gym and you ate well, you were disciplined. If you were crushing at work, it's because you were disciplined and whatever it is that you were, you know, doing in your, you know, business or career, you know, if you have great relationships, because you're disciplined and working on the relationship, like, every great thing in your life leads back to discipline, right. And, and I think, you know, in today's world, you know, the second thing is, we all want this shit to happen overnight. And it's just, it's not reality. And, and I agree, as soon as today, people make a little bit of money, it's like, because it's not about how much you make, it's how much you're spending. And as soon as people are making more, they're spending spending, consuming, consuming, and they're spending it on things that you know, aren't doing anything good for them. And I think, you know, I've been very disciplined in my life. We all go through times where we're more disciplined and less disciplined, right, totally, that's okay. Sometimes, sometimes you need to be a little less discipline to have some fun, right? But, but as long as you can come back, it's the ones that can get back on track. I think that's important. But, you know, I think, you know, when, when


Steven Pesavento  18:37  

I've been when I've been at times in my life, where I actually feel the best is typically when I'm the most disciplined it's kind of like,


Joe Camberato  18:46  

if you're doing things, yeah,


Steven Pesavento  18:49  

eating clean or meditating every day, or working out consistently. It's like, some people look at that, who are not being as disciplined and are saying, Hey, you're not really enjoying your life. But ironically, inside your body, you actually feel amazing when you know that you've got this rigid system, and it's good to be flexible, it's good to break out of it every now and then. But knowing that you can do that when you set your mind you it gives you a lot of confidence.


Joe Camberato  19:14  

It does and I think it's like you're gonna be it's like you're upset sometimes doing the hard work. But to be honest, the reality is you're more upset when you don't do the fucking hard work, you know, and, and I think you got to keep that in mind. And that helps push me to wake up in the morning and work out right. Like, I don't wake up and jump out of bed and skip down to the gym. But you know, I'm proud of myself after I do it because I did the hard work. But the other piece of discipline, and I think what's really important here is that instead of going getting and buying the house that maybe you can't afford or the car that you can afford, but you know, you can drive something that's still looks good. You'll still be able to take a date out and feel confident and maybe save some bucks and instead of going and blowing money on, you know, weekend, multiple weekend getaways going out drinking, partying, bottle service, I mean, whatever, like being disciplined and saving that money and then putting it into work into something, you know, I think I just see so many people that just, you know, spend money very quickly going live beyond their means we're live right up to their means. And I think there's been multiple periods in my life where I could have afforded a different better house or this car or to, you know, to buy this and buy more of that, and being really disciplined to not do it and be okay with it. And also just not really give a shit about what anybody thinks. And just focus on me. That, that that's really helped me. And this is listen times, when you're grown up, you see one of your boys, or this guy, or that guy, or this girl, like, you know, it looks like they're crushing it. And I've seen a lot of people that you're like, damn, like, why don't I have that now or this now, and being able to like put blinders on, not worry about it stay focused on you movement, a lot of people that you looked at, you're like, damn, I wish I was that guy, that guy's killing it, put your blinders on stay focused, and then you know, years later, by being discipline, by holding back by not taking on more expenses, you know, than are worth it by saving and investing, all of a sudden, you know, a five year period goes by, and, you know, you know, I've gone like this, and that person, you know, maybe stayed the same or actually went in the other direction. You know, because they were, you know, they, they were buying a lot of the material stuff, and they were looking, they're looking all fresh and sharp, and cool. And then, you know, five year passes, you know, 10 years past. And, you know, I think the reality is, you know, when you're thinking about investing and growing, being successful, you got to look at it, and five and 10 year clips, because you're not going to move the needle that much in, you know, in a year, if you do, or maybe you invest in a deal, you got lucky in something, alright, that's cool. But, you know, try and repeat that every year, it's usually gonna take you some time. And, and it's probably the best advice I can give to, especially anyone up and coming is you got to have patience. And I also think the flip side of that is like, I'm saying, Hey, if you're younger, like Have patience. But the other side of that is, if you're older, you know, and you haven't done this work, you haven't done these things, you're not going to it's hard to make up for lost time. So you still have to kind of like start from, you know, maybe ground zero this way. But you got


Steven Pesavento  22:56  

to ratchet it up, you got to ratchet up into it. Because you know, it's a common misconception that, that being disciplined is somehow like really bad for you. But it actually creates so much freedom, because imagine, if you're sitting in the position that you're in, you're making a ton of money in your business. And you've set a plan for yourself, you've made this investment plan of how much money you need to live off of what that's gonna look like you've got the vision for what's important you and your life, and you've made the decision. Now you don't need to think about it. When you decide, hey, I'm not going to drink, Oh, you don't need to think about it, it's not Should I have another one, it's Oh, I'm not drinking this week or this night, because you've decided not to do it. And when you're actually decided on it, just as you're deciding and making an investment, or kind of going down this alternative investing path that can really get you towards creating a lot of passive income, it actually gives you a lot of freedom. Because when you're looking at all these other people and they're living a different life than you are, you can be inspired to step into what they're living, but by doing it the right way, by instead of going and getting steroids and going to the gym, you can go and do the hard work, and then have the payoff and have your body and your finances really, really represent, you know, kind of a healthy, healthy situation. So what I'm curious about Joe is talk to me a little bit about kind of your ultimate life vision, you've built an amazing business, what is this all for? Like? What is that life that you want to live? Are you looking to continue on your mission and grow something really big? Are you looking to exit the company? Are you looking to go and travel more like what what is the purpose behind? You know, both building a business and making investments that's really driving your life?


Joe Camberato  24:39  

Yeah, great question. You know, listen to this whole my company started, you know, I founded it from, you know, this vision of helping entrepreneurs access capital in a fast, easy and efficient way. So they can grow and scale and I you know, and you know, so a lot of local business owners get turned down from their bank and then To know where to go, and there's a lot of places that you actually can go, there's a lot of lenders out there that will lend to you, that are not banks. And that will help scale and grow your business without taking equity. So I, you know, went on this mission and built exactly that we built this amazing platform teams of people, I still have a lot of growth to do in my business. So I'm excited to really continue to grow it and to make it even much bigger than what it is. And I really want national business capital to be the most recognized business lending platform out there that a business owner, you know, when Chase Bank or Bank of America or the big banks aren't an option, you go, I'm gonna go to national business capital. So that's my ultimate goal. And also to see the great people and teams here continue to grow with the company and do well. And then a personal side. Yeah, and on the personal side, my ultimate goal is, you know, I want to, you know, help other people really grow and scale their businesses and, and be more of an investor, you know, mentor, you know, type of individual. And I think I do that now on a very small level, to some really cool up and coming entrepreneurs. But but you know, that that is my ultimate goal. And, yeah, as my, my, as my kids get older, I was still a little young now, but that they're grown up quickly and fast. But definitely, you know, really, like, you know, it's funny, as you started to, like, you know, do well and make money and are successful. Not everyone, you know, is this way, everyone's a little bit different, but the material things for me, as I've matured and grown, like a better house, or cars or watches are like it, I mean, listen, I like nice stuff. So don't let me fool you. But yeah, and I have nice things, it's all good. But it I think it's just more about like experiences now and, and cool experiences that actually lights me up more than some like, like a material purchase. So doing cool things and seeing the world, you know, definitely want to see, you know, see the world. And, and every time I get out there and visit a new place, it's always, always motivating and inspiring, and uncertain times outside of the country, depending on where it is, it'll you know, brings a lot of appreciation back that. Yeah, we do we do live in a pretty cool, cool place.


Steven Pesavento  27:28  

Yeah, I think it's important to kind of understand that, like, where what are we really working towards? Why are we doing this because sometimes as business owners or even, you know, high performing career professionals, it's, it's so easy to get stuck in that cycle of Grow, grow, grow, business, business business, I mean, for myself, I've had, I've had to intentionally go out and develop and create hobbies, and I bring the same level of intensity to learning to golf, or snowboarding or whatever it is that I'm doing, because that's kind of just my personality, and I love doing it. But for me, for so long business was everything. And still, it's probably you know, 80% of my focus I yet to have built a family, I look forward to doing that at some point. But having that vision of a greater life, and then a mission, right, a mission of what that is really about can really be a big driving force. So you know, we're getting close to wrapping up, I'd love to hear a little bit more about your business, what you do. And if you could share with folks, we've got a couple more questions. But before we get to those share with folks a little bit about national business capital and how they can get in touch with you.


Joe Camberato  28:36  

Yeah, sure. But you can follow me at grow by Joe, you can check out my podcast called The grow Show. Check me out grow by Joe on YouTube, LinkedIn, and always put a lot of great stuff out there. You can go to my company, National Business national business capital I found in in 2007, really to be a place where business owners can apply simply easily in one simple place, and get connected with the right type of business lender for their business. So we do everything from SBA loans, term loans, lines of credit equipment, financing, inventory, loans, asset based lending, you name it, we have, we have over 75 lenders on the platform, be applied in one place, we have over 100 people here, internally, and you'll apply in one place. And but you also get to speak with a business financing advisor that can understand what you're looking to get accomplished in your business. Talk about the different products that may make sense for you. And then we'll help you with everything from application all the way to funding and just a very efficient, streamlined process. We built some great tech, really great people. We've funded over $2 billion in business financing transactions. We've done over 27,000 transactions To date, and that number grows every, every single day. And, you know, we've really become a leader in, you know, the non bank lending world, which is really exciting. So, I'm excited to, you know, hopefully, you know, we, you know, we funded a lot of stuff, but you know, you know, excited to hopefully be funded a billion plus, you know, a year to a small business.


Steven Pesavento  30:23  

I mean, that's amazing. If you're looking for business capital to grow to scale for inventory, definitely reach out to Joe. Joe, on the investing side to more questions, we'll be wrapping up here, but on the investing side, talk to me a little bit about your book, like, what type of investments have you made? And what type of investments do you like? And why do you like,


Joe Camberato  30:44  

yeah, so I mean, I've definitely got a pretty decent amount of, you know, different things going on. I really love you know, what you're doing Steven, and, you know, in a few different real estate deals, just really, as you know, it's, you know, a fund on an individual properties. And, you know, those teams, you know, manage it, I'm just an investor, but get all the benefits of actually owning the real estate, so depreciation, you know, you know, tax free refinances, and, you know, all that good stuff. So, so, in some of those deals, and then I have my safe money that's managed by a financial advisor, that's just diversified into a number of different growth stocks right now in this crazy market, you know, stocks and bonds about, you know, 5050, just to protect my downside, and, and then, you know, you know, also in some different, you know, private equity deals, some really cool, you know, companies, some recognized companies, but, you know, all those different things take work, you know, and, you know, it's, it's, I don't think a lot of people realize that, like, it all sounds amazing, but a lot of constant work to, to make it happen, you know, in that stuff. And, and then No, is, you know, in my business, I see a lot of unique things. So, always looking to invest in, you know, other businesses and companies and where I can play, you know, passive investor, but also happy to, you know, give growth advice, and, you know, and help customers, you know, owners, like, get to that next level. So play the mentor and industrial role. And I've done some of those, you know, type of deals as well. So, I think, you know, having that diversity has really helped, especially through what we just went through a COVID That's for sure.


Steven Pesavento  32:45  

Totally, in under 30 seconds. Tell me, what do you like about passive investing, investing in syndications funds and private equity? What what do you like about that over other traditional investments?


Joe Camberato  32:58  

Well, listen, I love real estate, right. And, and, and would love to do more real estate. But I have to keep my focus. And, you know, and everything I've got going into my business, so I think the real path of stuff and like the real estate funds, you know, with, like the stuff that you're doing, I think there's some private equity funds out there that are really cool that are, you can, you know, invest some money in, but they're managed by pros, and they go into a diverse number of deals. I think, you know, I think, I think being able to be into different types of funds that are diversified. And it doesn't really take up much bandwidth on besides, you know, being able to, to invest the money into it, I think, are really great. And I think for, you know, owners and entrepreneurs, I think for anyone, they're awesome. I think for, you know, owners and entrepreneurs, especially if you're in like scale and growth mode in your business, I think it's great because they don't, they don't pull you away from your business. I think if you're if you're for someone who's like an up and comer. And you're you're not really you don't understand the real estate game, or you don't understand how to invest in, you know, businesses or things like that, or you don't really even know how to find those opportunities. You know, I think you get to, you know, piggyback on, you know, and work with really talented people, and you get to actually learn a lot being a part of those different type of funds.


Steven Pesavento  34:34  

Yeah, and it's such a good point, Joe, because when it comes to investing passively, there's huge benefit. If you're busy in your business or career, you can stay focused on the things that are making you the most money while being able to move that capital and have it managed by expert operators who are going to go and essentially execute that business on your behalf. If you have the time or you're really passionate. You can of course, go out and do some of these things actively. But For most people that I find learning how to run a new business isn't necessarily the next thing they want to do on their list. So passive investing can be can be great. So this has been a great episode. Thanks so much for joining us, Joe. And I look forward to seeing guys on the next episode. Today's episode is sponsored by Vaughn Finch capital. If you're interested in investing alongside me in the same type of real estate opportunities that I personally invest in that head over to Vaughn Finch capital and join their private investor network, you can do so at Vaughn Join me on that next deal. I look forward to seeing you on the inside. Thank you for listening. If you like what you heard, make sure to rate review, subscribe and share with a friend. Head over to the investor to join the insider club where we share tools and strategies from the top investors and entrepreneurs and take it to the next level.