The Investor Mindset - Name Your Number Show [$]

NYN E39: Money Mindset Mastery: Taking Control of Your Financial Destiny with Lisa Chastain

Episode Summary

Join host Steven Pesavento in a deep dive with financial expert Lisa Chastain on mastering the mindset necessary to take control of your financial destiny. Lisa shares her personal journey from a struggling marriage to becoming a successful business owner. Discover key insights into building wealth, strategic financial planning, and transforming your relationship with money. Learn practical tips to navigate the emotional roller coaster of financial decisions and gain the confidence to shape your prosperous future.

Episode Notes

Key Takeaways

  1. Redefining Success: Understand the importance of defining your financial goals beyond monetary success, emphasizing experiences and quality of life.
  2. Net Worth Tracking: Learn why tracking your net worth is the ultimate financial scorecard, enabling strategic decisions and avoiding the emotional roller coaster.
  3. Strategic Investments: Explore the mindset shift from just saving money to strategically investing in various avenues, including real estate, stocks, and tax-efficient vehicles.
  4. Team Building: Recognize the significance of building a financial team, from certified financial planners to estate planning attorneys, tailored to your unique goals.
  5. Balancing Act: Embrace the balance between saving for the future and enjoying the present, creating lasting memories without compromising long-term financial security.

Resources Mentioned

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About our Guest:

Lisa Chastain is a seasoned financial expert and business owner dedicated to helping individuals take control of their financial destinies. With a background as a financial advisor, she shifted her focus to coaching, empowering others to navigate the complex world of finance with confidence. Lisa's unique approach combines strategic financial planning with mindset mastery, offering a holistic perspective on achieving both short-term and long-term financial goals.


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Episode Transcription

00;00;00;08 - 00;00;09;18

Steven Pesavento

Welcome back to the name Your Numbers show presented by the investor mindset. My name is Steven Passive and Joe. And today I'm joined by Lisa Chastain in the studio. How are you doing today, Lisa?


00;00;09;21 - 00;00;11;16

Lisa Chastain

I'm awesome.


00;00;11;18 - 00;00;46;04

Steven Pesavento

Well, I'm glad to hear that. I love the work that you're doing because you're focused very, very much so on helping people understand the right money mindset to carry and how to truly take back control of their financial life. So we have a lot in common. I'm looking forward to getting into all of it. What I'm curious, before we get into all of that, tell me what was one of the first things that you named one of those first targets that you went after that was really putting you on that path towards kind of taking back control of your own financial destiny?


00;00;46;07 - 00;01;09;15

Lisa Chastain

One of the first things that I went after to take control of my financial destiny was to start a business. I had I had been married at that time. I was about what, ten years ago? I was 34 ish. I remember the exact age, 34 ish. I was a stay at home mom. After having built my first career in my twenties.


00;01;09;15 - 00;01;34;19

Lisa Chastain

I stayed home for a few years to take care of my son and my marriage was failing and we were failing financially. My ex-husband was in and out of work struggling with addiction, and I could see the writing on the wall having been the person to manage the finances in the marriage the whole time I started seeing our net worth go down, credit card debt go up, all signs pointing to failure or financial failure.


00;01;34;22 - 00;01;59;24

Lisa Chastain

And I knew that if I didn't do something about it, we were going to be placed in a place I didn't want to be. And being a stay at home mom, I had little control of what I could do about it. So I made the decision in When I left my first career, I made the decision to become a rabbi, unconsciously made a decision to be a business owner because I said I don't ever want to work for anybody ever again.


00;01;59;26 - 00;02;07;06

Steven Pesavento

What was it that made you decide to work for somebody else? What was the issue?


00;02;07;08 - 00;02;26;08

Lisa Chastain

I have been a leader my whole life and I also love being in charge. I love making decisions. I love calling the shots. And I wanted to take that to the next level in my life. And working for someone just did not feel right. It did not make sense.


00;02;26;10 - 00;02;46;25

Steven Pesavento

Well, I know earlier in your career you were a financial advisor and you went down that path because you wanted to be able to mentor and help people and you also wanted to make a lot of money doing it. Yeah. What did you find about the traditional financial education or financial advising system that was broken and what what led you to or to making a change?


00;02;46;28 - 00;03;15;01

Lisa Chastain

For me, it's what I didn't. Well, two things. What I didn't realize at the time is that it's primarily male dominated. So I was working in a high net worth firm for male partners. Not that that's a bad thing, but being a woman and being a doc and really a fish out of water at that time I was not getting the support that I needed or wanted as a woman, and I didn't see a lot of other women in the field, so I was just surrounded by men I loved.


00;03;15;01 - 00;03;41;01

Lisa Chastain

Then it's all good. But being a woman in finance, I felt like I was flailing in some ways, not having role models and mentors who were women. And then the other thing is that what they don't tell you is a financial advisor. Getting into the industry is that it's very much sink or swim. You're on your own. I think that that's changing, but that's what that was my experience at the time.


00;03;41;04 - 00;04;03;10

Lisa Chastain

Sink or swim and I was sinking. Yeah. So I had to do something other I was going to run out of money and so that was for me. I just was like, if I don't do something, I'm going to run out of money. I got to figure this out. And so I hired a coach who pulled me out of the swamp enough for me to catch my breath and realize that I really didn't love and I didn't love the investing part of the industry.


00;04;03;10 - 00;04;08;17

Lisa Chastain

It's cool, but I love the coaching part of it. So that's when I shifted gears.


00;04;08;19 - 00;04;26;24

Steven Pesavento

Yeah, well, it makes a lot of sense. I mean, financial advising, you go and you get all these licenses and they kind of presented to you that you're going to be able to make a ton of money yourself here and help all these other people. But at the core of the financial industry is it's a sales position and it's all about selling.


00;04;26;24 - 00;04;45;08

Steven Pesavento

And the way that you make money is by getting assets under management or selling those people into making trades that you get paid on. And so there can be a little bit of a conflict when you're trying to focus on, Hey, how do I help as many people move forward towards the things that they really want versus how do I actually get paid for helping folks.


00;04;45;11 - 00;05;01;16

Steven Pesavento

So making that that intentional shift to, Hey, my job here is to help you and I'm going to coach you on money and how to think about it and how to live differently than, you know, 99% of people who have been educated on finance. It really is an empowering position to be in.


00;05;01;18 - 00;05;06;03

Lisa Chastain

It was as soon as I made the shift, I knew it was the right shift.


00;05;06;06 - 00;05;11;01

Steven Pesavento

Yeah. What what made it the right shift for you?


00;05;11;03 - 00;05;47;20

Lisa Chastain

One is that I learned very quickly how to make money not attached to assets under management. So the industry has changed a lot in ten years where advisors are starting to charge for financial planning. And I'm really not that passionate about the planning aspect either. So the fact that I can get charged for my coaching and my skill set almost immediately, that turnaround for me was exhilarating and that I didn't have to also play ball with the SCC, which you know, all the red tape and all the compliance was just whole.


00;05;47;22 - 00;06;10;04

Lisa Chastain

It felt really cumbersome to me. So with my coaching tools I'm able to help people make shift, see those shifts really quickly. I don't have to have assets under management, which means that I can help someone whether or not they're a millionaire or barely starting out too. So for me that was like the energy around it and the transformation that I was seeing.


00;06;10;11 - 00;06;12;13

Lisa Chastain

I was like, Let's go, let's do this.


00;06;12;16 - 00;06;31;24

Steven Pesavento

Well, I'm such a big believer of you need to build your team. You need to have the right kind of advisors and coaches and mentors and sponsors and people that you're working with and partnering with. And some of those people, you're going to pay a fee for their advice and their experience. And some of those people you're going to partner with and some of those people are going to get paid based on success.


00;06;31;24 - 00;06;47;27

Steven Pesavento

There's going to be a bunch of different ways that you can do that. But one of the benefits of paying directly for that advice is that you're able to receive it, you're able to take action on it. And regardless of how big of a success you have, you've taken the time to learn those lessons and you're able to then change that up.


00;06;47;27 - 00;07;08;08

Steven Pesavento

Whether or not you're working with that person continuously for decades or whether you're just going to work with them for a moment, it gives you an opportunity to oftentimes pay a heck of a lot less than it would take to go and learn that information on your own. And so I think it's a really, really smart path. So we'll get back to talking about building a team in a second.


00;07;08;08 - 00;07;31;12

Steven Pesavento

But one thing that I think is so important and I know you feel the same, is the importance of actually tracking your net worth and understanding your personal balance sheet. How much money you actually have, where it is that's income, your cash flow statement, all those different things. Do you talk to me a little bit about why that's so important and and yet so few people actually do it.


00;07;31;14 - 00;07;57;18

Lisa Chastain

On the important side? That's your scorecard that that is the whole picture and connected to a budget, which I don't really teach budgets, but connected to the thought of managing your finances on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. If all you're doing is tracking money in and out of your bank account, no wonder you feel broke all the time because it's designed to move cash.


00;07;57;18 - 00;08;16;04

Lisa Chastain

Your designed that main operating account that you have, which most Americans are still just banking out of one account. It's going to go up some days it's going to go down, some days you're going to get paid. You're going to pay a bill. That's the financial roller coaster that people keep themselves on because that actual account is not designed to keep a ton of money in it.


00;08;16;04 - 00;08;38;15

Lisa Chastain

In the first place. So the way that I see it is that money channels in and through. And then if you're moving it to different accounts for different purposes, that would be in your net worth as you calculate it every single month. And by tracking your net worth, which is a listener doesn't know what that is, it's really just tracking your assets and your and your liabilities.


00;08;38;15 - 00;08;56;27

Lisa Chastain

What do you own and what do you know? So the value of that is every single month you can know those daily decisions, those monthly decisions that you're making, how they're actually adding up or not adding up, how they're moving you to the future that you want or they're not moving you to the future that you want. That's the value.


00;08;56;27 - 00;09;17;23

Lisa Chastain

That's your scorecard that you know, all of your decisions are moving you in some kind of direction, right? It is. I mean, whatever it is, it could be getting your kids to college. All of your accounts are in one place that you're actively tracking. You're in ownership of what's actually happening financially. On the flip side, this just happened to me yesterday with a client.


00;09;17;23 - 00;09;35;14

Lisa Chastain

We've been working together for years and she's still is not tracking her net worth and I'm very patient with her. And finally yesterday, I was like, What is the deal? Why are you not doing this? Why won't you do this? I just need you to do it once a month. That's all I need. Once a month, the same time of the month.


00;09;35;17 - 00;09;56;09

Lisa Chastain

Calculate everything that's in your accounts. We jumped off the call. She committed to doing it, and she realized that it was fear and shame that was holding her back from doing it in the first place. She didn't want to look at it because she was afraid of what she was going to see. And I think that's for a lot of people that we're judging ourselves, we're comparing ourselves.


00;09;56;15 - 00;10;08;02

Lisa Chastain

We don't want to see the debt. But if we can learn how to look at it from a bigger picture, then we can actually see where the problems are. It's not just a shame or guilt of what you don't have.


00;10;08;04 - 00;10;36;04

Steven Pesavento

Well, it's one of the biggest mistakes people make in business is that they're not tracking their most important number. They're not tracking their KPIs. They don't really know where their business is at because they're only looking at how many dollars are coming in and how many dollars are going out there. They're not looking at what are those leading and lagging indicators that are telling me that I'm going in the right direction and this is why I really name your number was created, because you need to be able to understand how much income do you need to live the life you want to live.


00;10;36;07 - 00;10;56;02

Steven Pesavento

And the only way that you can understand how to use that number is by getting clear on your net worth, on your balance sheet. What you actually own and what you owe so that you can then go out and strategically make investments into yourself to gain skills and knowledge, but also into assets that are going to pay you and then flip over to the cash flow statement.


00;10;56;02 - 00;11;19;17

Steven Pesavento

What are you going to do to actually go and make that money? And yet, if you're not tracking it, you can't feel the progress, no matter how big or small it is, and you end up staying in that, Oh, I'd rather have my head in the sand because I don't want to get the bad news. But sometimes the bad news is actually really good news because you can do something with it.


00;11;19;20 - 00;11;27;24

Lisa Chastain

Exactly. Exactly. It's that perspective. It's that perspective that keeps us off the emotional roller coaster.


00;11;27;27 - 00;11;53;00

Steven Pesavento

Yeah, it's it's such a big change in one of the most powerful lessons that I think you can learn is when you realize that the most successful wealthy people, what are they doing? Where are they spending their time? How are they thinking about their finances and how much time do they actually spend going over those things? It can make a big difference.


00;11;53;00 - 00;11;58;06

Steven Pesavento

What have you seen in kind of the research you've done on what successful people do with their money?


00;11;58;08 - 00;12;32;00

Lisa Chastain

Well, the first thing is, is if you want to be like a millionaire or you want to be a millionaire, you got to act like a millionaire. And I think that for someone who's never experienced that or for someone who has grown up in a scarcity environment or is just, you know, a W2 is realizing that millionaires, successful, financially successful people don't have all their money in one place, which is another reason why the net worth calculator, the net worth sheet, it's just it for me, it's a simple Excel sheet is so important because people with a lot of money have their money all over the place.


00;12;32;03 - 00;12;57;02

Lisa Chastain

They've got it in real estate holdings, they've got it in the stock market, they've got it in mutual funds. They have different accounts for different purposes. In our household, we have a 529, we have a trust account for our kid. We have some cryptocurrency like we've got money being invested in all over the different places. And if you're just looking at one app to try to figure that out, are you really building strategically so millionaires?


00;12;57;02 - 00;13;19;23

Lisa Chastain

I even have five cash accounts for my household. So have different different accounts for different purposes, different savings account accounts, have a dream account, have a vacation account, and move your money into those different accounts for different purposes. You start to operate with your money a whole lot differently and a whole lot more strategically. Yeah. Same thing with the profit.


00;13;19;23 - 00;13;55;26

Lisa Chastain

First philosophy, right? Have a taxes account, have a account for profit. Separate that money out. Don't let it sit in just one account. Yeah. The other thing is treat your money like a part time job. Ultra wealthy people. When. When my financial advisor and I had this conversation, we taught a workshop. The the people that she works with who are ultra wealthy, who are self-made, spend an average of 20 to 30 hours a month on their money, tracking their money, having conversations about their money, become obsessed with your money, not from a place of scarcity, but from a place of opportunity.


00;13;55;29 - 00;14;01;03

Lisa Chastain

Those are the two things that I see that make a big difference in mindset and in behavior.


00;14;01;05 - 00;14;25;21

Steven Pesavento

Yeah, because what you're paying attention to is what gets your attention and what you're paying attention to is going to get your focus and you're going to actually do something as a result of that. Just just by going in and tracking what you're spending and where that money is going, you're going to subconsciously make different decisions, let alone the ability to consciously decide, should I be spending my money here or should I not be?


00;14;25;24 - 00;14;39;27

Steven Pesavento

Those are just the little things that allow you to be able to keep more of the money that you have and put it towards the things that matter most. Because I don't know if you're like me, but my vision about money is not don't go out and enjoy it. I'm all about spend the money and.


00;14;39;28 - 00;14;40;05

Lisa Chastain



00;14;40;05 - 00;15;04;12

Steven Pesavento

Yeah, but you necessarily need to do right. Like we work really hard so we can live well, but we if we're conscious to the trade off that we're making in that moment, when we spend the thousand dollars on the trip or the 10,000 or the 100,000, depending on what level of life you're living, that when we make that decision, we consciously know that we're giving up that $100,000 today.


00;15;04;12 - 00;15;25;12

Steven Pesavento

That could make us 60 next return in the next 12 or 20 years if we invest it correctly, Is it worth it? And most of the time you're going to say, yes, it is. But there's plenty of things that I've found in my life that are not worth spending the money on. And all of a sudden now, now I'm sitting on more money than I had before because I'm enjoying the things that I'm putting that money towards.


00;15;25;15 - 00;15;30;10

Steven Pesavento

But I'm also being selective about what those experiences are that I actually care about.


00;15;30;12 - 00;15;50;03

Lisa Chastain

Yeah. Let me give you an example of what that looks like in my life. The way I describe it to my to my, my clients is that you're on a fast moving train and that's called life. And the train is not stopping for you. And if the only goal in your financial life is to save as much money as humanly possible, it's your train of life is moving.


00;15;50;04 - 00;16;17;10

Lisa Chastain

My kids are 13 and 15, and in a very, very short amount of time they're going to be out of the house. I want to have memories with them now, and I'm willing to put money in that way. I'm willing to spend money to go on an Alaskan cruise with my teenagers to have that memory versus suck all of that money away for something that I may or may not actually have happened in my life.


00;16;17;10 - 00;16;29;00

Lisa Chastain

Right. I don't know how long I'm going to live. There has to be a balance between saving money and investing money and enjoying your life today and the people that are in your life right now.


00;16;29;02 - 00;16;51;03

Steven Pesavento

I think it's such a powerful, powerful point because we don't know how long we have to live. We don't know how many more moments we have with the people that we care about. And it's well worth the money to make those memories because happiness actually comes from memories. It comes from those experiences that we have with other people.


00;16;51;05 - 00;17;04;17

Steven Pesavento

And when we're intentional about selecting, what are those things we want to do, we feel so much better about putting those things out into the world and then going back and working or doing whatever we do that that we enjoy to make that money.


00;17;04;23 - 00;17;26;22

Lisa Chastain

That's right. I'm willing to work ten hour days to be able to have those summer vacations with my kids. I get to make that decision. And so often, financial, I don't believe that there there is a healthy enough conversation in the world of money about you get to decide what those trade offs are going to be.


00;17;26;25 - 00;17;52;19

Steven Pesavento

And I think that's that's a really powerful point. And yet so many people that I talk to, right. We run a private equity company. We go and invest in real estate, we're buying businesses, we've got debt offerings, we've got all kinds of things that people can invest into. But frankly, before they even make that decision to get involved and invest with us, I truly believe they need to have a plan of what they actually want for their life.


00;17;52;22 - 00;18;28;19

Steven Pesavento

And they need to build a team. They need other people around them who can help them understand where they can save money in taxes, how they can structure their life, an estate to protect from from negative things that might happen and to understand what they're really going for. So I've got a ton of ideas on building a team, but I'm curious from your perspective, how have you gone about or how do you recommend other people go about finding those right advisors, those right mentors, those attorneys, those CPAs, those people in their life who can really help support them with those expertise that they really need to be able to get where they want to go.


00;18;28;25 - 00;18;51;11

Lisa Chastain

That's such a great question. I just had this happen this morning. I had two couples in my conference room, brother and sister, and then they're their spouses and they own businesses together. They've done a phenomenal job of saving their cash. And the first question they had when we had our first phone call together was where can we invest this money?


00;18;51;13 - 00;19;11;21

Lisa Chastain

And the first 45 minutes of that conversation was, What do you want? Okay, what do you really want? What do you want that you don't have right now? And they all lit up because I could have easily just led with the investment piece. But when I when I asked each of them specifically, I went around the table, What is it that you really want?


00;19;11;27 - 00;19;29;03

Lisa Chastain

All four of them said, we want to travel more. We want to travel more, and we want to know our kids are set up for their future and we want to know that the decisions we're making in our business are tax efficient and also that we can have passive income. They're so smart in their thirties building their families, in their businesses.


00;19;29;05 - 00;19;53;23

Lisa Chastain

It wasn't until I got all of that out of them, but then I made the recommendation of what team member to start adding first because they they absolutely need a certified financial planner. And based on the time of year, it's November. They want to make sure that their businesses are tax efficient and also that they can use any tax efficient vehicle which is certified financial planner would be able to point them in that direction.


00;19;53;23 - 00;20;13;04

Lisa Chastain

Do we open a401k? Do we open a simple do we open a SEP IRA? I said, I don't know, but let's make sure that you get with that person right now based on the time of year and you have you're sitting on a ton of cash. Let's start building that strategy out about how you want to invest that, save it, use it, whatever that is.


00;20;13;06 - 00;20;35;01

Lisa Chastain

So I make a recommendation on the right individual based on what specifically is going on in their life. And then we start to quarterback and move the right people in at the right time. Always, I think businesses, you want to have a bookkeeper, a CPA, a financial planner, and probably an estate planning attorney. Not all at once, though.


00;20;35;01 - 00;20;38;06

Lisa Chastain

That might be really overwhelming, you know?


00;20;38;09 - 00;20;57;06

Steven Pesavento

Yeah, unless you're like a super high achiever and you quarterback everything and just go after it, you know, it's so true. One of the biggest mistakes people make, if anyone's listening to this and they don't have a trust for estate planning purposes set up and you own anything and you have anybody in your life, you're an idiot. Don't worry.


00;20;57;06 - 00;21;09;00

Steven Pesavento

I was an idiot too. It's super important to go out and do that immediately because unless you like the government to decide what's going to happen to your staff and of the people in your life, you need a trust and a lot of people don't.


00;21;09;08 - 00;21;31;01

Lisa Chastain

So then I think there's a lot of promise. And you're welcome. There's a lot of people out there that discount what they actually have, because a lot of people are raised with a scarcity mindset that they don't have enough or that they aren't enough. But who do you want to handle your house when you die? The government or a loved one?


00;21;31;03 - 00;21;50;07

Lisa Chastain

It is. And I've actually been on the receiving side of conversations from attorneys, sadly, who say you don't need a trust. And I totally agree with you that if you have valuables, you have something that you want to be in control of. Even when you're dead, a trust is going to be the way for you to be able to navigate that.


00;21;50;07 - 00;21;52;03

Lisa Chastain

The best. I agree with you.


00;21;52;05 - 00;21;53;16

Steven Pesavento

Wills are worthless.


00;21;53;23 - 00;21;54;08

Lisa Chastain

Yeah, a.


00;21;54;08 - 00;22;16;08

Steven Pesavento

Trust is an absolute must. Everything should be in the trust. And I've bought hundreds and hundreds of properties and I've dealt with people going through estate issues and years and decades later those issues can come back up. And if it was in a trust, the problems would have been so much simpler they would have been nearly addressed immediately.


00;22;16;11 - 00;22;31;18

Steven Pesavento

Well, circling back when it comes to financing, finding a financial planner, you know, I've found that there's some amazing people out there that can help you. And I found it's very difficult. What do you recommend when it comes to finding that person to help make that plan?


00;22;31;20 - 00;23;05;02

Lisa Chastain

Well, ideally, a financial the right financial professional would be someone that is going to be in your life for a very long time. So I think the first thing is longevity. You want to look for someone who is committed to this profession and who can communicate what their goal and vision is for being in this profession. So my financial advisors, one of my best friends, I trust her with my life and I also she is going to be around in her, in her company and she has also a legacy plan for when she leaves.


00;23;05;05 - 00;23;30;18

Lisa Chastain

So I know that I'm right. I'm with someone who also wants to be with me for a long time. The other thing is that not all financial advisors, just because they call themselves a financial advisor, are equal. So someone who is just licensed to sell life insurance could be a financial advisor, someone who just has the ability to broker, could be a financial advisor.


00;23;30;21 - 00;23;56;11

Lisa Chastain

So I'm a I'm a proponent of interviewing whoever it is that you choose to help you with your finances, do your due diligence and do your research and and understand what kind of advisor are they. I'm a big fan, just like Tony Robbins is the fiduciary. Find someone who's a fiduciary because they're going to put your interest, are required to put your interest to the best of their ability first.


00;23;56;13 - 00;24;07;17

Lisa Chastain

And I think that the relationship, wealthy, wealthy people have healthy relationships with their professionals and the financial professionals should be right along with that.


00;24;07;20 - 00;24;33;08

Steven Pesavento

Yeah, I think it's so important. I mean, even in the private equity firm, we brought in a certified financial planner to help bring people into our company and to be able to support them in this process because oftentimes when it comes to the traditional market, folks are getting paid for the work they're doing based on the assets under management or under or most of the time under the commissions that they're making.


00;24;33;08 - 00;24;51;26

Steven Pesavento

That's the way most of the industry works. And there's nothing wrong with people getting paid and there's nothing wrong with fees and things. Companies need to operate, but you need to make sure that you have somebody in your corner who you can really trust. So, you know, reach out to Lisa to get a great recommendation or reach out to our firm.


00;24;51;26 - 00;25;14;23

Steven Pesavento

We have some great people we can refer you to. They can help you make that plan. One thing I will share with you, it's important to know the difference between a certified financial planner. They're going to typically understand the traditional market and the traditional type of investment opportunities that are available. They're often not going to be the best people to go to when it comes to private investments, businesses, real estate, things like that.


00;25;14;23 - 00;25;44;13

Steven Pesavento

Some people have some experience in that. But I found that most of those people, their goal is to try to protect your money and they know what they know, but they often don't understand this other side of the business. So if you want to start investing in private equity or real estate or syndications or funds, it's important to have that person and trust their advice, but also to bring in other mentors or advisors that understand that space so that you can feel comfortable in making those decisions.


00;25;44;16 - 00;26;07;10

Lisa Chastain

I think that's great, and I think that speaks to the team concept is that you you assemble a team who plays well with others. That's really important, so you don't need to know it all. Financial professional. You need a financial professional who can help you with what they help you with, and also want to play and hang out and have conversations with the other people that are on your team.


00;26;07;12 - 00;26;24;12

Steven Pesavento

And they typically operate like a board of advisors, and the best boards are going to have different people with different opinions that are going to conflict because their expertise are different. So it's important to know that there's going to be one person telling you one thing and another person telling you another thing, and they both can be right.


00;26;24;12 - 00;26;28;00

Steven Pesavento

But you, as the financial quarterback of your life, have to make that decision.


00;26;28;03 - 00;26;30;03

Lisa Chastain



00;26;30;05 - 00;26;54;24

Steven Pesavento

So as we kind of get close to wrapping up here, what is the biggest advice you have for the people who are listening or they're having a ton of success, They're making a ton of money in their business, they're making a ton of money in their career and they really want to go to that next level. But they still have those fears, those beliefs, those things that are holding them back from actually taking action on the things that they've listen to or learn from people like you and I.


00;26;54;26 - 00;26;57;19

Steven Pesavento

What advice do you have for them?


00;26;57;22 - 00;27;19;00

Lisa Chastain

Well, the first thing I would say is you get to work on loving your life. One of my favorite books is The While. There's a couple I just one. I was just on the news on the same news, what do you call it? The same news outlet as he was is Mitch Albom. And it's the five people you meet in heaven.


00;27;19;03 - 00;27;51;25

Lisa Chastain

As much as success is important, give yourself the ability, give yourself the permission to enjoy the fruits of your labor. I've seen it all too often where there's hardworking people with a shit ton of money who do not allow themselves to enjoy their lives. Know your numbers well enough and have the right team in place so that when you want to drop some money on a new car or when you want to go to Bali for a retreat that you can create permission around that and also find coaches, find someone like me.


00;27;51;26 - 00;28;07;15

Lisa Chastain

Shameless plug to help you break through the mindset, the scarcity mindset, because it's not a have to you don't have to have a scarcity mindset. You can break through it to give yourself the permission to enjoy your life now and for years to come.


00;28;07;18 - 00;28;28;04

Steven Pesavento

Yeah, I think that's really, really good advice because the truth is, if you're unhappy and you're poor and you continue with the same beliefs, even if you get rich or wealthy, you're still going to be unhappy until you change the way that you're looking at your life. Now, frankly, I'd rather be rich and unhappy. Yeah, for an unhappy.


00;28;28;06 - 00;28;39;12

Steven Pesavento

But it's important as you're on that journey, to recognize that you can kind of make that change. Where where can people find out more about you or follow along in the work that you do?


00;28;39;14 - 00;29;01;17

Lisa Chastain

The easiest place to go is Lisa Chastain dot com. Also, I have a podcast and a YouTube channel, and on the YouTube channel you'll also find the video podcast and it's called Real Money with Lisa Chastain. We're having open, honest, vulnerable conversations about what it looks like to navigate all of these conversations with money so that you can feel less alone.


00;29;01;19 - 00;29;03;27

Lisa Chastain

And that's the best place to find me.


00;29;03;29 - 00;29;25;15

Steven Pesavento

Well, this has been really great, Lisa. I love finding other people who are, you know, souls and on the same mission to help people make a big change. And you know, the biggest recommendation I have to folks is as you're listening to this, there's things that you took away. There's things that you recognize that you can make that change in your life and choose one of them, if not many, to take some action on today.


00;29;25;16 - 00;29;29;00

Steven Pesavento

Thanks so much for joining us and we'll see you on the next episode.


00;29;29;03 - 00;29;29;26

Lisa Chastain

Thanks for having me.