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NYN E60: Spiritual Practice to Business Mastery: The Journey of Mario Brainovic

Episode Summary

Join host Steven Pesavento as he dives into a captivating conversation with Mario Brainovic, a visionary entrepreneur who has successfully merged spiritual practices with business acumen. Discover how Mario's unique approach to life and work has led to the creation and sale of a groundbreaking pharmaceutical company, and hear about his exciting new ventures. This episode is a deep dive into the power of intention, passion, and alignment in achieving extraordinary business success.

Episode Notes

Key Takeaways

  1. Power of Spiritual Practice: Mario's journey began with a deep dive into yoga and Qi Gong, which unlocked a new perspective and energy that fueled his entrepreneurial endeavors.
  2. Building Unique Businesses: Learn how Mario created businesses that stood out in the market by focusing on unique, high-impact products.
  3. Marketing Mastery: Mario's strategic advertising during low competition periods significantly boosted his brand visibility and sales.
  4. Intuitive Decision-Making: Discover the importance of following intuitive guidance and setting clear intentions, as demonstrated by Mario's journey to finding and growing his pharmaceutical company.
  5. Holistic Investment Philosophy: Mario emphasizes the importance of investing time and resources into projects that align with one's passion and purpose, rather than diversifying for the sake of financial returns alone.


Resources Mentioned

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About our Guest:

Mario Brainovic is an entrepreneur and spiritual practitioner known for his innovative approach to business. With a background in advertising and a passion for health and wellness, Mario successfully built and sold a pharmaceutical company to Walgreens. His journey is marked by a deep commitment to creating products that improve lives, driven by a strong spiritual foundation. Currently, he is pioneering new projects, including wellness centers and high-tech sustainable living communities, aimed at fostering creativity and well-being on a global scale.


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Episode Transcription

00;01;29;05 - 00;01;34;00

Steven Pesavento

Today I've got Mario in the studio. How are you doing today, Mario?


00;01;34;02 - 00;01;38;09

Mario Brainovic

Doing good, doing good. Happy to be here. Happy to be having this conversation with you.


00;01;38;11 - 00;02;03;21

Steven Pesavento

Yeah. I'm excited to talk with you because it's really interesting. We got connected by a mutual friend. Well, I have a lot of admiration for and from. And it's fascinating because, Mario, you've built incredible businesses. You've had assets selling to Walgreens, you've then gone back on this journey building a company that's super unique. And so what I want to talk about today is really that experience in business.


00;02;03;23 - 00;02;31;12

Steven Pesavento

What it was like to sell your company, what it was like to exit the thing that you had built. Talk a little bit about your investment philosophy, maybe what you've focused on, you know, putting that money to work in. And I know one of those is is the company you've built. So before we get into all of that, I want to start out by looking back, way back in your life, what events or influences from your childhood Mario shaped and influenced who you are today?


00;02;31;14 - 00;02;39;25

Mario Brainovic

there are many, well, I would say,


00;02;39;28 - 00;03;21;02

Mario Brainovic

When I was around, I was in early 20s, I started doing this spiritual practice, which really kind of, led me to a place where I started experience in more life within. And, this kind of changed the whole trajectory of, of my life. I was doing that for a while, and, and, I always wanted to do, businesses that would either support somebody in bringing something of value to the world or to directly create something that we either help people through their health or their well-being.


00;03;21;04 - 00;03;48;01

Mario Brainovic

this actually just kind of propelled me in that way, because I truly believe that when you're doing something of true service to the world, that then you are supported in a powerful way, something which is kind of even beyond what we're conscious when you're really serving or when you're really trying to make people feel good, then, it's going to be effortless.


00;03;48;01 - 00;04;04;24

Mario Brainovic

At least that was my experience, even when there was a lot of effort involved. And of course, that happens, daily. But still, there is this drive and there's this energy which really kind of gets you going.


00;04;04;27 - 00;04;27;16

Steven Pesavento

Yeah, I think there's something really powerful about getting connected to that spiritual energy that that driving force, that life force that some people connect with when they're really young. Some people connect in their 20s. Some people don't connect to that until they're 50, 60 or older. But when you do, it really does unlock another view or or vision for life.


00;04;27;22 - 00;04;57;10

Steven Pesavento

And I know I've gone through that journey myself, you know, a variety of different experiences, including, something we talked about offline, somebody who had actually healed me from an ailment that no doctor could figure out how to solve, and really released years and years of pain all the way to, you know, working in Joe Dispenza space and and meditating and going deep and connecting to something that you can't even really describe other than feeling like you're connected to source.


00;04;57;10 - 00;05;11;28

Steven Pesavento

So what was it for you that was that link or that bridge that opened up that visibility to connecting to to that energy that ended up driving you to build, you know, some incredible things in the world.


00;05;12;00 - 00;05;51;12

Mario Brainovic

Just like you mentioned, very spiritual practices. So I was very deep into yoga. I was very deep into chee-kong, and all of this kind of unlocked, tremendous. I would say river of life, of energy within me. And that kind of really changed everything for me. I started looking on everything in a completely different way. It, when you experience something like this and I know that you have, because when you do, when you really even for a moment when you touch this space inside of you, it just kind of you're basically done.


00;05;51;14 - 00;06;16;10

Mario Brainovic

It's like a seed there was planted inside and then it's reversible. It just takes your life in the best possible way. So this happened to me, and this is actually the number one thing in my life. Even today. So this is what drives me. So when you learn to enter into this space of infinite possibility within yourself.


00;06;16;13 - 00;06;39;09

Mario Brainovic

Then there are no limits whatsoever. And if you actually then engage in any form of work or business from that place, your power rises exponentially. But it's effortless. It's not even like I wouldn't even call it a power. I would call it an infinite support in whatever you're doing in life.


00;06;39;11 - 00;07;02;17

Steven Pesavento

Yeah. Your philosophy reminds me a lot of Michael Singer in the sense that when you connect to that, things just happen and they happen with a lot less effort. And as a result, you've built some incredible businesses, you've had wild success. And when people hear about like a spiritual practice, they hear about these things. They hear about, the things we're talking about.


00;07;02;24 - 00;07;36;22

Steven Pesavento

A lot of times people connected to like, woo woo, like not focused on creating value in the world. And it's just about going into solitude and meditation. But yet the result for Michael Singer was incredible business and financial success. And the result for you has been the same. So let's talk about that. That business that you built and sold, was that the first business or what led you to building this pharmaceutical company that eventually was acquired by Walgreens?


00;07;36;25 - 00;08;04;23

Mario Brainovic

Well, actually, this wasn't my first business. So I actually owned, I owned, and I was the CEO of advertising agency in the production house. and I love their work. I love being creative. I love, kind of to create, I was creating a lot of, TV ads, and, and that whole space was really kind of, gratifying for me because, it really kind of allows you to be super creative.


00;08;04;26 - 00;08;27;24

Mario Brainovic

and I did. I had a company, open a company in UK. I did a lot of work for, for a US market as well. European market. And I loved the whole, the whole space. And it really allowed me to express myself, myself creatively. But as I mentioned, I was always super passionate about health and wellness.


00;08;27;26 - 00;08;58;04

Mario Brainovic

and after a while, I just kind of leaned in to the, health and wellness space and used my advertising, skill and, vision. Let's go in that way to use it in building natural pharmaceutical. this company, it's really interesting. how the whole spiritual element actually came about. I was meditating and I was deciding in myself, okay, what I want to do next.


00;08;58;06 - 00;09;19;08

Mario Brainovic

And I was thinking, okay, I want to either it would it's going to be an actual medicine or a supplement or a technology, something that will truly help people. And up until that point, I was not introduced in any of it. So I had zero connection so that world whatsoever. And three weeks later it was just three weeks.


00;09;19;10 - 00;09;59;13

Mario Brainovic

I actually entered into this space of bliss, of connection. So which was really extraordinary while I was meditating on it. And three weeks later, I met a dude that actually was struggling. He had, really amazing, natural medicine. but he, he really had an issue can really making it big and, and I remember, farmer wholesaler at that time, I actually bought the part of the company, and I kind of went in and, there was a presentation where I told these farmer, large, pharma company, they were distributing and they kind of did marketing on it.


00;09;59;13 - 00;10;08;11

Mario Brainovic

They told them we were going to increase the sales by 150%. within the next three months. And they they were they laughed their ass off.


00;10;08;18 - 00;10;09;09

Steven Pesavento



00;10;09;11 - 00;10;37;20

Mario Brainovic

There is just no way you're going to do it. And we actually pumped it up to 900%. Wow. Within only three months. Wow. So I really had a skill of how to do it. I just kind of wanted a project that I would really kind of throw myself at. And when you're doing, again, things from this space, from really when you're really enthusiastic and you know, you're actually helping people, this basically changes everything.


00;10;37;20 - 00;10;57;24

Mario Brainovic

At least it changed for me. So anyhow, then I kind of, added many, a new medicines, into the company and expanded the whole thing. Then this large, pharma company, they were asking me for kind of advice, what can they do with their other, medicines or supplements? But anyhow.


00;10;57;26 - 00;11;06;03

Steven Pesavento

I what did you approximately buy into that company for? Like just general general range type numbers was a couple hundred thousand.


00;11;06;03 - 00;11;32;19

Mario Brainovic

It wasn't a million. Yeah, yeah it was, it was nothing significant in terms of millions. But, the potential of it was extraordinary. I saw the potential. It was really, really powerful. And it was actually very surprising to me that the company that actually, ran the whole thing didn't understand the potential, didn't invest in it, or didn't see actually, this there is something extraordinary there.


00;11;32;22 - 00;11;59;14

Mario Brainovic

We actually created I created, with just this one medicine. I didn't actually take a cut of any other, a company or brand in the space. I created half of an in 50% of an entire category with this just one medicine. Wow. So it was really, really kind of, cool to think, to observe, because I really didn't take anybody's piece of bread, so to speak.


00;11;59;16 - 00;12;04;10

Mario Brainovic

I just created the whole space for myself.


00;12;04;12 - 00;12;18;21

Steven Pesavento

That's super fascinating. When it came to growing that company as rapidly as you did, what were some of the strategies that you ended up using that you were able to pull the levers to make those changes happen?


00;12;18;23 - 00;12;46;02

Mario Brainovic

that's really interesting question. I realize that in order now, we're actually entering the whole advertising and marketing space, but I'm guessing we can talk about this in, in this, environment. Yeah. So I kind of knew that if I'm going to create visibility for my brand, I needed to advertise at times. Other brands are not advertising.


00;12;46;02 - 00;13;15;20

Mario Brainovic

So that I would have actually much bigger, visibility. And, you know, in pharma, Pharma usually is not advertising, in the what's called low times a let's say from they actually spend all of their budget through December and then January, February and March, they're kind of on the low end. And also during the summer, during the, July and August.


00;13;15;22 - 00;13;28;26

Mario Brainovic

And so my main advertising, like, really powerful, I was really kind of all over the place with my ads exactly through that period of time. And my visibility was extraordinary.


00;13;28;29 - 00;13;29;15

Steven Pesavento

That's really.


00;13;29;21 - 00;13;30;07

Mario Brainovic

Just kind of.


00;13;30;07 - 00;13;57;24

Steven Pesavento

Interesting. Yeah. By buying gearing, by buying ads, during times where there's less competition, your visibility goes up, more people hear about the product. And yes, you know, I'm I'm super familiar with your current product, which we'll talk about in a few minutes. What was the products that you guys were selling in that company, and why? Was it something that Walgreens, you know, a big major national corporation, was interested in acquiring?


00;13;57;26 - 00;14;34;25

Mario Brainovic

Well, I only I only kind of came with, my whole passion was I don't want to be in anybody else's lane. so, the whole thing was to have medicines that are unique in a way that no other medicine can actually, in that particular way, compete with it. so there was, a I know it's not kind of easy to stumble upon that, but again, if you set your intention and if you really kind of want to have an impact, positive impact on the world, then it just happens.


00;14;34;25 - 00;15;01;08

Mario Brainovic

Just like I mentioned, I didn't, to be honest. I really didn't do anything in terms of I went out and did something, so to speak, that I was actively seeking. It was always kind of setting intention for it within. And when opportunity presented itself, then just to go 100% all the way to it and to it, that that worked for me.


00;15;01;10 - 00;15;06;21

Mario Brainovic

so I kind of learned to just to follow this.


00;15;06;24 - 00;15;33;01

Mario Brainovic

Rumi, famous, poet, said once, when you do things from your soul, you feel the river moving in you a joy. And this is something that I've always followed. so even if nothing happened or happens after it, at least I live to the fullest, so to speak. And in my experiences, that always results in something extraordinary.


00;15;33;03 - 00;15;36;29

Steven Pesavento

And so the product was what specifically?


00;15;37;01 - 00;15;42;11

Mario Brainovic

It was, number one, the most effective hemorrhoid treatment in the world today.


00;15;42;14 - 00;15;47;24

Steven Pesavento

Wow. So you went after something. It's not sexy, but it's a huge pain point. No.


00;15;48;00 - 00;15;49;08

Mario Brainovic

And exactly.


00;15;49;08 - 00;15;55;17

Steven Pesavento

And people need to solve that problem. And there wasn't a lot of other, you know, really positive solutions.


00;15;55;17 - 00;16;08;26

Mario Brainovic

All the other solutions were just kind of easing the pain, but there were not solving the problem. My medicine, actually, in 85% of people completely alleviated all of the symptoms.


00;16;08;29 - 00;16;30;17

Steven Pesavento

And so you build this business, you come in, you do the thing that you're the best, that you're doing it from a place of connectivity with intention, which I can't underline enough. People overlook this so much. But when you get aligned with the right reasoning, things just start magically happening. Like it really does make perfect sense for my perspective.


00;16;30;17 - 00;16;39;29

Steven Pesavento

And I know a lot of other people won't get it, but just knowing that it's possible. So you do this. What led you to wanting to exit and sell the business?


00;16;40;01 - 00;17;13;05

Mario Brainovic

Well, to be honest, I wasn't the only owner of the company, so we started having the same, different visions about, the future of the company. And it came to a place where, I just intuitively felt, okay, it's time to move on. And when I actually suggested it, it just happened very fast. which was, again, another sign that everything was happening exactly the way.


00;17;13;05 - 00;17;34;16

Mario Brainovic

And I'm super thrilled and happy that it happened. I'm just overjoyed that it happened that way. And actually, we sold the company and the whole deal was signed off and and transfer. Everything happened before Covid. We've got Covid kind of did a lot of damage. And so I was super happy that everything happened just before that. So I was super, you know.


00;17;34;18 - 00;17;39;27

Steven Pesavento

So you get a lump sum payoff. The company sells for 5100 million or more.


00;17;40;03 - 00;18;05;19

Mario Brainovic

I was super happy that, how everything happened, and I could only be grateful. So, that's the thing. And then, you know, I'm a young man, and I'm, kind of full of life. I don't want to kind of stop, but my whole thing was. I wanted to work only on something which truly, truly serves everyone and everything.


00;18;05;21 - 00;18;24;01

Mario Brainovic

That's my, you know, in the same way I got connected to doctor, and to Doctor Parker and those wanting it to Dutch scientists that created this extraordinary technology that I'm now kind of this miracle of this water that I'm now bringing to the world. So, again, super grateful for it.


00;18;24;01 - 00;18;34;20

Steven Pesavento

Yeah. And I'm super excited to talk about it because I think it's it's really fascinating. So you have the exit now. You've got wealth. Like, you probably haven't had before. I could imagine.


00;18;34;20 - 00;18;35;10

Mario Brainovic



00;18;35;12 - 00;18;56;07

Steven Pesavento

And, you know, before that time, had you been making investments or, once you have that kind of wealth, investing is kind of a key focus. What was the strategy that you use? Did you have a great wealth manager who kind of went into the public markets? Did you invest in private equity or private real estate or private credit?


00;18;56;10 - 00;18;57;06

Steven Pesavento

Did you? And I'll be.


00;18;57;06 - 00;19;21;19

Mario Brainovic

Honest, I'm going to be very I am going to be very boring there. I didn't nothing of the kind. My whole thing was always to create something and to do it myself. So I actually never, I never, received even a dollar of any investment. My whole thing was to create everything myself. So, and the same thing is I never kind of.


00;19;21;21 - 00;19;34;09

Mario Brainovic

I never went in various ways. I'm kind of, an all in kind of guy. If I love something, if I see something, if something truly excites me, then I just throw myself at it all the way.


00;19;34;11 - 00;19;49;10

Steven Pesavento

It makes sense. I know a lot of people are like that. So your investment philosophy, we're just going to keep the money in the bank in cash, and I'm going to wait to see where I can either live off of it, or I can pump it in to a new business that I'm passionate.


00;19;49;10 - 00;20;17;05

Mario Brainovic

You know, there are. Yeah, there are many things that I want to I want to, now I'm actually in the position where, I have a lot of project, let's call it that way that I want to, really invest my time and money in. I'm actually having several projects now, which are really kind of cool and big, that are not connected directly to the lemon water project, which we're going to touch a touch upon now.


00;20;17;07 - 00;20;42;02

Mario Brainovic

But I have this vision of, of creating. Wellness centers all over the planet that are really going to bring people back to themselves and also to create this, new places of life for people. people are now living in the cities, and I believe that in, in the next period of time, it's going to become difficult.


00;20;42;05 - 00;21;05;19

Mario Brainovic

I would like to create this extended high tech. Let's call in villages where where self-sustained people, people who really kind of, are contributing to life and to the world where they can all come together and actually create this hubs of extraordinary creativity that can help everything in every everybody. I so that's the vision.


00;21;05;23 - 00;21;26;06

Steven Pesavento

I think it's really powerful. And I want to underline for the listeners just so they're clear on it, you're philosophy is I'm going to be driven and I'm going to go in the direction that I'm called to. I'm an all in person. I don't need to get distracted by making investments outside of the areas where I have the specialty.


00;21;26;13 - 00;21;45;01

Steven Pesavento

So I'm going to keep that money in cash, or I'm going to put it into businesses or projects that I'm passionate about, that I care about, that I want to make those investments in, because I know I'm going to be taken care of either way, because you're not being driven by scarcity or uncertainty, you're being driven because you know, at the core that that you're headed in the right direction.


00;21;45;01 - 00;21;58;24

Steven Pesavento

And the truth is, there's no right or wrong way to to do it. There's no right or wrong way to put your money to work. It really comes down to what's right for you. And knowing that there is better and worse ways. But you got to follow that intuition.


00;21;58;26 - 00;22;27;28

Mario Brainovic

Yeah, 100%. You said it right. that's exactly how I kind of feel it and see it. I kind of, money is just an extension of your energy, so I believe it should always be put into something that really makes you think from within. And and then even if nothing happens out of it, you're still going to be happy and you're still going to be glad that you participated, because it really is something of value.


00;22;28;02 - 00;22;34;24

Mario Brainovic

And in my experience, these kind of things always, they always produce. So much more.


00;22;34;26 - 00;23;03;11

Steven Pesavento

Yeah. So let's talk about the next the next phase. Probably the biggest investment you made with with that capital that you received from that exit was into this company that is, a water company, that it has a frequency. That frequency is healing. That frequency brings some really powerful things. So why don't you first off, tell us what it is and and and why it's real and it's not fruit.


00;23;03;12 - 00;23;16;03

Steven Pesavento

Fru. You know, as David asked fruit. He talks about how powerful it's been for him and he can't understand how it works or why it works, but that he can feel that it's working so tell us what it is that you're working on today.


00;23;16;06 - 00;23;42;11

Mario Brainovic

So, we realized in our research that water currently exists in what we call a chaotic state. So it's still H2O, but those H2O molecules that are actually moving chaotically and randomly and crashing into each other constantly. But since all of this is happening on an atomic level, nobody's really aware of that. What we found is the way to bring harmony into that chaos.


00;23;42;11 - 00;24;15;08

Mario Brainovic

When you use our technology, those same chaotic H2O molecules, they are linked together in a liquid crystalline structure. Water enters in what we call a full spectrum coherent state. and through this, through this unique process, water becomes alive, it becomes empowered, and it can do so much for our health and wellness. As I already mentioned, we did double blind, placebo controlled studies where we proved the remarkable effect on all biological systems.


00;24;15;08 - 00;24;41;00

Mario Brainovic

So, for instance, just to cut the long story short, we we actually tested ATP, adenosine triphosphate, which is the primary energy currency of the cell. it's directly responsible for powering the majority of cellular processes in our in our body, including muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, biochemical reactions, every heartbeat, every breath depends on ATP. And what we measured is actually ATP levels.


00;24;41;00 - 00;25;07;22

Mario Brainovic

Would they change if people drink this water? And what do we salt to again, cut the long story short, double blind, placebo controlled study that there is a 20% rise in overall mitochondrial energy of the body over the placebo. When you calculate the placebo, that's almost one third of your entire energy rises just by drinking this water. And we're not talking about Red bull energy here.


00;25;07;27 - 00;25;37;18

Mario Brainovic

Yeah, we're talking about actual mitochondrial energy. This is really far implications, because scientists now agree that the key cause of cellular aging is a decline in mitochondrial function. And we proved that just by drinking this water your mitochondrial function increases more than significantly. So this was one study we proved that your microbiome the state of your microbiome improves the state of your brainwaves improve.


00;25;37;21 - 00;25;43;18

Mario Brainovic

So basically any area of your health gets touched just by drinking this water.


00;25;43;21 - 00;26;02;29

Steven Pesavento

Yeah. It's so fascinating because obviously if somebody could take it as a pill, almost everybody in the world would be taking that very quickly because they would see that result. They would feel it. What's been the biggest hurdle in getting this technology out to to the world?


00;26;03;02 - 00;26;33;26

Mario Brainovic

You mentioned it. You know, all great truths start this. Blasphemies. People don't understand it. They just don't get it. That's why we're investing so much. I mean, we're talking about now altogether without me. I joined, I don't know how many years ago now, but the whole project is 15 years, in the making. the over 50 scientists on three continents and millions and millions of euros, and dollars invested, in the research.


00;26;33;29 - 00;26;57;06

Mario Brainovic

So that's why we're investing in research so that, the science becomes irrefutable. everybody can just take a look at the data. Two of those studies are being published now, in a peer reviewed scientific magazine. So this is all that speaks for itself. That's why we're investing so much in it. So that, when people purchase the technology, they know what they're doing, and then actually they get the benefit.


00;26;57;06 - 00;27;26;15

Mario Brainovic

So it becomes just in one beautiful, beautiful thing. And, you know, it's, you mentioned Dave Astbury. I love Dave. Dave is an extraordinary guy. He's the father of biohacking. Water is such an amazing. It's a no brainer biohacking tool. It's hard to because you have to drink water anyhow. And just by drinking a different kind of water, you have these amazing, health benefits.


00;27;26;18 - 00;27;51;19

Steven Pesavento

Yeah. I think the underlying, the underlining kind of theme here is that for you in life and in business has been really driven by I want to do good in the world. I want to connect to source and purpose and this energy, and I'm going to be driven by that. And as a result, you've been introduced and found these different opportunities that have allowed you to make that kind of an impact.


00;27;51;21 - 00;28;18;03

Steven Pesavento

And this one in particular is really fascinating because nobody can figure out why, nobody can figure out why it's working or what it's doing, but it's clear to see that it is making a result. It is clear to see that if people start following this path, that that obviously you can have, you know, great results for them from a business standpoint, how's business?


00;28;18;05 - 00;28;39;09

Mario Brainovic

Business is doing amazing. again, I, it was it was a hurdle just like you mentioned in the beginning. But the whole thing is when something is of great value, you just have to work on it until you find a way. And the whole thing here is education. You just need to educate, educate, educate, educate, educate.


00;28;39;10 - 00;28;58;03

Mario Brainovic

It's not a regular kind of advertising thing. When you put a photo and you've put a tagline on it and you offer it to people and then they buy, it won't work that way. It needs a lot of expertise. It needs a lot of explanation. But when people get it, then they actually buy the product and then they get the benefit.


00;28;58;05 - 00;29;16;26

Mario Brainovic

So this is the circle. And it was a hurdle, so to speak, to kind of and it's still kind of an ongoing thing, but we are in a much, much, much, much, much different space now because a lot of people are really trying. We're getting thousands and thousands and thousands of letters all over the planet because we're selling it all over.


00;29;16;28 - 00;29;34;29

Mario Brainovic

And now it's really reaching a point. I want to bring this and make this a household item everywhere on the planet, because if people buy it, they will get the benefit. Their whole state of being is going to change. And once you experience that, you really kind of rely on it.


00;29;35;02 - 00;30;07;11

Steven Pesavento

Well, I think one of the key things with something like this, Mario, is that when people have an experience and they can feel it and they can see it, then they believe it, you know, and it's an until you have that experience, that or somebody that, you know, has that experience, for example, not even in preparation for this interview today, I was in Salt Lake two weeks ago, and I'm standing in the kitchen with a good friend of mine, and he pulls out this little wand and it happens to be your product.


00;30;07;13 - 00;30;33;02

Steven Pesavento

And it didn't even connect the dots until, in preparation for his interview. But because of that friend of mine who I trust shows me this thing, I say, hey, why should look into that? And I think the more people that have that connection, the more likely that other people are going to follow suit. But it is kind of an interesting product because it's unclear why it's doing what it's doing.


00;30;33;02 - 00;30;49;01

Steven Pesavento

So let's step one step back away from the business, away from the investing. How are you actually taking water and changing the structure so that you can then deliver the kind of results that you're talking about?


00;30;49;03 - 00;31;29;08

Mario Brainovic

Now we're going to jump down the rabbit hole. Scientific rabbit hole. So, we realized in our research, the water always picks up the most dominant frequency of its environment. So wherever your water was, whatever your water was surrounded with, it's going to pick up that particular frequency. When we realized this, our whole quest was to create the most dominant positive frequency word there is, because we knew that if we would expose any other water to it, since water always picks up the most dominant frequency of its environment, all the water will become it.


00;31;29;10 - 00;31;53;26

Mario Brainovic

So it took a while for us to create what we are calling now the Mother Water. And what do we do? Actually, we take this mother water and put it in, in the crystal wand. You've seen the one. Do you see how the product looks to this crystal wand actually has two purposes. One, of course, to create the barrier between the mother water, which is inside, and the rest of the water, and that you're swirling it through.


00;31;53;28 - 00;32;22;14

Mario Brainovic

But more importantly, crystal serves as a superconductor. It allows the frequency of mother water to pass through without any loss. So in an effect, when you swirl the lemon this wand through the glass of water, any H2O molecule that comes into close proximity to the mother water which is inside starts to mimic its exact structure. So in an effect, after just 20s of swirling, you get a glass of mother water.


00;32;22;16 - 00;32;44;07

Mario Brainovic

I always like to say to people, just to kind of explain them in a better way. For instance, if you take a light bulb which has five watts, it will give you some light. But if you take five watts laser, so the same power but five watts laser, which is the coherent form of light you can drill a hole through your table.


00;32;44;10 - 00;33;16;27

Mario Brainovic

so this is the difference is in the same way, when you bring water in this particular state, it's true power is being unleashed. And when you drink it, you have all the effects. Maybe I can just mention one study. We are not going to go, all the way in, but just to explain to people the difference, since this water is an electromagnetic phenomenon, as I already mentioned, where we're thinking, okay, what's the most electromagnetic part of human biology that we can very accurately measure our brainwaves?


00;33;16;29 - 00;33;39;13

Mario Brainovic

It's very easy to measure that we took two genetically identical twins just to make a gold standard study. We put Q EEG equipment on them, and we gave 2 to 1 to in regular order to other one NLM. A water doctor administering the water didn't know which one was which and twins didn't know which one was which. And we monitored their brainwaves, in real time.


00;33;39;15 - 00;34;00;26

Mario Brainovic

And twin that took regular water. We saw no change in his brainwaves. Literally nothing changed. Couple of sips. Everything stayed the same. Almost as soon as the twin the took a couple of sips of lemon water. There was almost instant better connection between the left and right hemisphere of the brain, and almost instantly harmonizing the effect on the brainwaves.


00;34;00;28 - 00;34;28;14

Mario Brainovic

We were actually very surprised by the how fast the effect happened, and there was a really powerful and irrefutable proof that something biologically remarkable happens when a human drinks this water. We actually repeated the experiment three weeks later, and we gave an island water to the other twin, and we saw exactly the same phenomenon. While the first twin now that took regular water, there was no change in the brainwaves.


00;34;28;16 - 00;34;51;01

Mario Brainovic

So this is just wanted to share a small insight. It's really fascinating. and people who are sensitive, they can immediately after one sip, they can okay. There's something they cannot really kind of put their finger on it, but it's different for them. We tested short term results and we tested long term results. And the results are always really remarkable.


00;34;51;03 - 00;35;01;14

Mario Brainovic

So I'm telling you, I'm super grateful to be part of this project because it really has an effect on people in various ways. And when you witness that is really extraordinary.


00;35;01;16 - 00;35;22;09

Steven Pesavento

Well, I think what's really fascinating about this is that I've been kind of a not definitely not at Dave Astbury level, but a little bit of a nod about health and optimization and finding any kind of strategy or hack or tool that can help me be able to think more clearly or, feel better or be in better alignment.


00;35;22;09 - 00;35;46;19

Steven Pesavento

And if there's something that's going to help move the needle, I'm 100% going to be using it. And I think what I've found is that a lot of people, once they start experiencing the difference of, of of doing what their body is telling them they need to do, get more sleep, eat better, you know, drink better water at the very least, drink filtered water.


00;35;46;19 - 00;36;06;02

Steven Pesavento

So many people I know are drinking tap and it's crazy. And I did. My whole life I never knew the difference. But once you start going down that path of optimization, you start realizing that not only can you show up better in your family and in your relationships, but you can show up better in your work and your business.


00;36;06;02 - 00;36;26;26

Steven Pesavento

And so if somebody is driven by, hey, I want to feel better, I want to be a better father. Amazing. Go and do the stuff. Try the different strategies, find what works for you. But for those people who were like me when I got started in this space, we're driven by the productivity, by the boost, by the excitement of what I've been building and what that feels like to do.


00;36;26;28 - 00;36;48;00

Steven Pesavento

It becomes an absolute no brainer. And I think there's a lot of people are starting to get turned on to different technologies, even if they can't fully understand it, that are willing to try these kind of things. And so one of the things that's interesting about your product is that it's quite expensive for such a small vial of water, but I understand it takes a lot to get it there.


00;36;48;00 - 00;36;56;26

Steven Pesavento

So talk to me about that process. And why does it take so long to create what you end up, you know, providing them?


00;36;56;27 - 00;37;19;18

Mario Brainovic

So just so you know, it's actually very cheap. and we decided to keep it that way because we wanted to make a product, even though it's really expensive for us to make it. We wanted to price it in a way that everyone, every single family on this planet could afford it. And the thing is, you buy it once and it creates coherent water for you, for life.


00;37;19;21 - 00;37;23;23

Mario Brainovic

So he's just one thing. He's not a recurring return to you. You just buy it once.


00;37;23;23 - 00;37;25;27

Steven Pesavento

It's a bad business model Mario.


00;37;25;27 - 00;37;45;08

Mario Brainovic

But it's a bad business model I agree I agree. But the key element if you're, if you send, if you sell 100 million of them then it's a good, business model. But even 100 million is not enough, because there are 7 billion people on the planet. And my whole thing is to create this as a household, item.


00;37;45;08 - 00;38;14;18

Mario Brainovic

Somebody the something that everybody will use because they do get extraordinary benefits. So that's, that's my kind of my whole. And the mission statement of actually, our company is to make all bodies of water on this planet coherent. We already developed this eco friendly technology that we want to install in the wells of the biggest rivers. We want to bring it to the governmental level, because when we do the microbiome, of the soil, of the water, everything would change.


00;38;14;21 - 00;38;42;28

Mario Brainovic

Life would change. Animal health, plant health would change. And all of this water will end up in the oceans. And after a couple of years, all the oceans would come into a coherent state. And then we would actually enter into the whole planet, will enter into a coherent state. And I'm telling you, when when things are in harmony, that harmony has a powerful, powerful effect on anything that lifts.


00;38;43;00 - 00;38;46;03

Mario Brainovic

Well, this is mission statement. Yeah.


00;38;46;06 - 00;39;17;19

Steven Pesavento

It's an incredible mission. And and Mario, thanks for joining me. It's fascinating because you're a man who's built a business that sold for a lot of money, and yet money has never been a big driver for you at the core of it was always about following this intuition, this path. And I think for those of you who are who are listening, will really be able to take some inspiration away to finding what is that thing that you can connect to that can drive you forward where the outcome is all that matters.


00;39;17;19 - 00;39;37;24

Steven Pesavento

And getting there, the, the, the ironic thing about getting there is that all of the other things you want, money and happiness and connection, relationships and impact will all follow and you get connected to that. So Mario, share with people where they can follow you or or check out what you're doing and and yeah.


00;39;37;26 - 00;39;59;25

Mario Brainovic

please just go to coherent That's the place where you can get introduced to our technology. You can jump on on our newsletter if you want to follow. We're doing a lot of studies all the time. So it's really an emerging, thing. We're going in various directions. So if you want to follow us, this is the way you can go to MLM.


00;39;59;28 - 00;40;24;04

Mario Brainovic

Instagram where you can see a lot of the work that, we've been doing. This is a way to kind of track. And there are many things actually, that are going to be, coming in the pipeline, all actually for the highest good of all, highest good of everybody. So, you know, I'm there are so many things on this planet which really help people.


00;40;24;06 - 00;40;47;27

Mario Brainovic

And for some reason, I see that not a lot of them find a way to people in general. And I'm very passionate about that. We can that's why you're a kind of, podcast or any podcast is a great place, so that we spread the information to people of what can really help them. This is what you're helping.


00;40;47;27 - 00;41;04;06

Mario Brainovic

You're helping people build their businesses to the next level, and then they can afford to buy things for them selves that can enhance their experience of life. And then that circle grows amazing.


00;41;04;08 - 00;41;22;15

Steven Pesavento

Well, Mario is great having you on. Thank you all for listening and we'll see you on the next one. Today's episode is sponsored by Von Finch Capital. If you're interested in investing alongside me in the same type of real estate opportunities that I personally invest in, then head over to Von Finch Capital and join their private investor network.


00;41;22;18 - 00;41;32;19

Steven Pesavento

You can do so at Von Join me on that next deal. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.


00;41;32;22 - 00;41;50;26

Steven Pesavento

Thank you for listening. If you like what you heard, make sure to rate reviews, subscribe and share with a friend. Head over to the Investor to join the Insider Club, where we share tools and strategies from the top investors and entrepreneurs and how they take it to the next level. Hey, this is Stephen again. Just one more thing before you take off.


00;41;50;26 - 00;42;09;17

Steven Pesavento

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00;42;09;17 - 00;42;23;22

Steven Pesavento

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